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So we sometimes feel like we're going to end up a certain way...true

Well... I think I ended up tired... I missed out on a ton of sleeping opportunities when I was little and didn't have school. When it was "cool" to stay up past 7:00pm (kindergarten bedtime) and stay up until 12:00am.
Then I'd wake up early for Saturday morning cartoons on the weekends...

I stayed up late, and woke up super early and made myself breakfast...

That was from age 1-10, now that I'm in these so called "teenage years" and "pre-teen years" (whatever the fuck a preteen is... I just think we should call 'em outcasts... They have no right to be babied anymore, but no right to be treated like a teen... With the exception of me and my friends... Who learned stuff via YouTube) anyways, in those years, I became increasingly tired, and now I take after school naps daily, I stay up late, and then sleep in... Until 6:30am when I should be up at 6:00am.

I'm always tired at school, if they allowed it, I would take naps in class... (I have gotten away with napping in class before though... Shhhhh)

It's not to say I enjoy sleeping either, my eyes are just always heavy and tired, if my skin didn't have a naturally tan complexion, I'd definitely have defined dark circles under my eyes. (Thanks, God for Tan skin...)

If I could go back to being the old, "let's fall perfectly asleep at 9:30pm, and wake up refreshed in the morning at 6:00am" self that I was, I would. Sadly, I don't think I can...
*yawn* I'm tired and I think I'll go back to sleep... Nap time!!


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