Chapter 28

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I have done a couple changes to my book , so if you see a difference it's because it has been changed , also im going to start giving more in my chapters instead of this babyfied stuff I write . This chapter should be awesome . Also idk if the men will be given a POV often or at all . Thanks you guise . King in mm

I wanna be there with you , I really do be missing you . Everything I do is for you , I really do adore you , your getting so big now & your making me so proud because you are such a start & you know that you are . So every single little moment I'm not there to hold your hand I need for you to know that ......

Natalie POV

At this moment I was lost for words I couldn't believe MY baby out of all babies would have to be buried .

"I need to see my her" I said harshly , everyone turned towards me looking to see what was wrong with me .

" I need to see my damn baby now ! " I spoke once again , because clearly no one understood me . I know for a fact this all couldn't be true , Ari was a healthy baby , she never had any medical problems. I just can't see my baby breathless & cold . It's not fair , I said to myself fighting back tears that were fighting to come out .

" Um yes ma'am right this way " a small framed woman spoke .

" I'll go with you " B said as much as I wanted to go alone I knew this would be best . As long as I knew someone cared enough to go along with me & my sister was pregnant I didn't want her going through anything . I just couldn't risk her not having a baby that would only make things worst for the both of us . We began to follow the lady . I felt B looking at me I felt unwanted , I felt lost , how could everything boil down to this ? I questioned myself many of times while I laid on B's chest in the waiting room . When we turned down the long hall the lights started to dim , it started to get very cold . B grabbed my hand , which caused me to look up at him

" I got you , I promise " he spoke sternly .

As we approached the cold room , I saw a baby covered up , who was known to be Ari a tear escaped , but I refused to let more come out .

" Are you two the parents of this child ? " the male doctor asked .

" No , I'm a family friend & she's the mother . " B spoke for me luckily he came along because as for now I was passed speechless of words .

" Come in " the man spoke , pulling back the sheet from over Ari , I was in shock , this was NOT my child , my mouth fell in ah .

" S-s-si-r this is not my baby " I broke the silence , of joy but I was still afraid that mine maybe down the hall cold .

" Excuse me ? " the man asked

" This is not my baby sir , Ari has brown eyes , but when light shines on them they turn green , she has a creamy complexion , with curly Mexican hair with huge cheeks that when she smiles it causes dimples , with pointy toes & a strawberry shaped tongue & noodle arms !! " i finished now in tears " I wanna see her please I miss her she's all I have , she makes me happy please dear old God please let me . " I begged on my knees

" Ma'am we can check the NICU , that's our only other option. " he spoke

" Ok " I said still breaking down , B grabbed me , " get up baby " he spoke softly . He rapped his arms around me .

When we arrived to the NICU , the man looked for a baby with a description I gave him .
" Can you have a look over here ? " he spoke to me .

"Sure." as was I walking over I trembled & once I saw her face i forcefully picked her up & hugged her , this is her .

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