Chapter 9

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Chealse POV

I was going to get all my revenge that was adding up over the years with Dartez . Her mother took my mothers life which took away from me ! She had the perfect life while all alone I had the wicked life with my parents . Dartez doesn't know but my mother got pregnant by her father . & he beat my mother everyday ! She's done ,with she has it coming for her !

Vanessa POV

I hated to even hear about me having a child ! It wasn't because I couldn't have nothing or anything . It was simply because I was scared of what happened before . Anthony beat me when he found out I was pregnant. We fought daily . I want a baby too , things just don't go as their planned !

" Wanna come with me ? " Tay asked me

"Naaa" I replied & He walked to a lake & sat on a bench .

I saw him sitting there like he had something in his mind , so I walked over to him .

" What's on your mind?" I asked him placing my hand on top of his ,
now holding his hand.

"Flash backs that's all." he said as if he were angry . I just rubbed his hand as he held mines warmly .

" I'm here " I then told him smiling brightly he began smiling back rapping his arms around me .

"What made you finally come?" he asked.

"I looked at you & it seemed something was on your mind . "I answered.

"So you care?" He said with a smirk . I just playfully punched him on the shoulder.

"Damn ma." he said laughing at the lick.

We then started a conversation talking about everything you can think of . I actually enjoyed this. I felt like if I needed a light he was there.

Dartez POV

I saw King and Bre'on sitting down on the bench together , it looked as if they were having the time of their lives laughing . I just left them two alone . Then I saw my middle school bestfriend Quincy ! I ran into his arms.

" I haven't seen you in forever ! " I cried out while hugging him

" You just went out for college & never kept in touch , nor came back "I said while pouting

" I'm sorry baby girl , I missed you applehead ! " he said causing both of us to laugh.

I hugged him once more . I just missed him so much .

" What made you come back ? " I asked

" I missed y'all & play offs don't start until another 4 months so I thought I'd visit y'all !" He answered

We walked over to the basketball court playing on the same goal we played on when we were younger .

"So how's the college life." I asked him concerned.

" It's cool , I just can't see y'all like I want anymore , how school going for you?" He then said.

"It's full of bs BRUH." I answered

"I remember when I used to walk you to class to make sure no one messed with you." he said looking in my eyes in a gaze . I loved his presents he's been around since as long as I could remember . Our dad's used to be close they were boys until Quincy's dad died in a drug war .

I saw a ball near by & jogged to it .

"Play me one on one!" I said challenging him

" Dorthy , you know I'm a real challenge " he said with a smirk , I hadn't heard that nickname in forever !

My bestfriend body was just Aww it was it all the gym payed off !

" Yo ball first " he said passing it to me . I crossed him & shot it with a lay up .

" Somebody been practicing " he said laughing

" Shut up " I said while giggling with him




What about Chealse ?

What do y'all think about Vanessa & Tay ?

What about Dartez long lost bestfriend Quincy ?




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