Chapter 4

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Dartez in MM

Dartez POV

By me being a thug's sister it's hard. You worry sick about him every night & no one understands but you . Then it's even worst because they are over protective . My boyfriend is terrified of my brother.

But any ways I'm Dartez I'm 18 I'm a senior in high school now & I have a football player boyfriend , it isn't easy .

  My brother would kill behind me , so I keep my boyfriend Chad away from him . Every since me & my brother were younger he promised me he'd take care of me I won't have to won't for shit .

  My daddy use to beat my mama & my brother built anger issues off of that . Things don't piss him off as bad any more . My dad is hook therefore I don't know if he's dead or alive nor do I really care . My mama work shifts from 1am - 4pm which means she get home tired .

Yes my mama still chose to work although my brother gives her all she wants & needs . She said it just isn't a guaranteed income so she'd rather work as well .

Chad will be over in any minute so until then I call my girl Chealse until .

" Wassup boo ? " I asked

" Hey baby ! " Chealse exclaimed

" Gurl wassup , what you doing ? "

"Girl nothing just chilling & laying back that's all . " she answered back I heard a knock on the door I'm guessing it chad .

" Girl imma have to call you back my baby here ! "I said excitedly

" Ugh , but ok . " She said salty then I hung up & ran to the door .

" Hey baby I missed you ! " I screamed

" I missed you too . " He said smiling & kissing me

We sat on the couch watching tv until Chad started touching me uncomfortably so I pushed him away .

"Chad I'm not ready for this ." I cried out but I guess he wasn't feeling that because he continued .

" Baby your going to be ok I got you . " He complained

" Look Chad I heard you but did you hear me ! I'm not ready for this just yet ! " I screamed

" I knew you wasn't a down girl man I'm out " he said angrily .

" Don't come back neither were done Chad the bitch ass " I said throwing a fit . I then slammed the door & got in the shower for 30 minutes listening to music that matched my feelings exact .

After that I got in bed listening to music until I went to sleep , it takes my mama at least two hours to get home .

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