Chapter 23

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Dartez POV

  It's my sister in law graduation day I graduated a couple days ago.  And it is also a couple days before play off season with Q .  love being with him .

My brother told me to do what makes me happy & comes wit a good outcome . & I believe in Q & I . He just better not fuck it up .
I wore a pleather dress & my Alexander McQueen heels , Q got me for my birthday . & flat ironed my hair.

"Quincy."I called out for.

" Wassup?" He answered.

" Are you ready " I asked him he walked in dressed in polo everything .

"Yea what about you ? " he asked

" Wait who you trynna impress ? " We asked in unity

"Never mind." he then said.

King POV

I drove Bre'on to her graduation .

" You ready for this ? " I said looking at her.

"It's my dream." She said with a tear rolling down her beautiful face.

"Don't cry baby."I said looking in her eyes .

We made it to her graduation & she went to her seat . As the graduation started it . She was one of the speakers so she sat on the stage . & I joined the rest of the family .

" As you know , these students have really strived this semester . Now off to their businesses, teach & more they started from here. Now I will welcome out speaker." A lady spoke.

"Hello everyone ! Well today will be the day , we can no longer call our mistakes regrets , but life . Only god has the right to judge us . Today we'll no longer have to stress about examines , but about our children instead . I'm proud to say that I've finished college & can support my family and fiancé . Not only wake up & know I have them , but I have a career path that I made for myself & hopefully others . I was taught to walk by faith and this is were faith got me. I thank God almighty daily with him anything is possible. So I want everyone to remember today , is the day." She finished everyone stood & clapped I rooted for her.

After the graduation Bre'on met up with all of us.

"I'm proud of you!" I said picking Nessa up .who was cheesing & rubbin across her face. .

"Thank you baby!" She said placing my hand where my hot spot was.

"I'm going to miss you." she said letting a tear fall .

"Were having a boy?" I questioned her she smiled & shook her head.

"Baby I know , I'll try to come back as soon as I can . " I told her wiping her tears.

" You promise ? " She asked holding my hands to hers

" I promise ma " I replied

" There's my girl ! " Dartez said running up to us and hugging Bre'on.

"Omg you made it " Bre'on said hugging her.

" I told you , I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world , I'm here for you by any means." she said causing me to smile .

"What time is it?" Dartez asked

"11:45." Bre'on answered.

" Aww , I love you guise , but Q & I have to go . " She said getting ready to run off.

"Be careful & I love you." I said hugging her.

I'm nervous about leaving Bre'on , she's my heart . & I plan on starting s family with her.

My little sister is already leaving out , but I'm actually proud of her . She finished school , high school. She'll soon be starting college & I believe she's found her guy as well.


The next chapter will be better , but vote & comment on what you think .

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