Chapter 8

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Bre'on POV

I told King I was ready & he came back with a smart remark as always & I laughed .

We left out the building & got in his Benz .

He plugged up his AUX card & turned on some music .

Future to be exact. I thought about how I wanted my life. I know I will encounter problems. But I just wanna be happy. I want to have a baby knowing his or her father will be there like mines wasn't. I can't encounter my child being another static like myself. I refuse so whether the fathers around or not there will be a father figure.

I then thought about my career. Only the lord knows how much I want this for me. I'm for how ever long it takes.   I have a hustle , I just need the flow.

We made it to the park within minutes .

It was a park full of people . King came to my side & held my hand I guess he had a feeling I was nervous . Girls walked pasted & rolled their eyes at me but it didn't bug nun .

" Bre'on!" I heard someone call out & I looked around & it was Dartez she came up hugging me .

" I love your outfit ! " I told her she blushed.

" Well you know yo girl got style " she then said

" Where mama?" King asked Dartez.

" She's with Aunt Jamie by the benches " she answered

" I'll be back " King told me

I smiled then said "ok King" he laughed

"Come on I'll take you to meet my cousin Tanya & her baby." Dartez told me.

As we walked over everyone smiled at me & greeted me with a wave it made me feel comfortable to be around then .

" Tanya this is Breon & Breon this is Tanya . " Dartez introduced us & I gave her a Hug & told her nice to meet her as she did the same .

Immediately I went for her baby it was my weakness " a baby " I loved them.

Can I hold her?" I asked

" Of course " she answered handing the baby to me .

" What's her name?" I asked

"De'miya or you can call her Demi." she answered.

She was so adorable . I held her & played with her & she laughed showing her gums .

" Can I go & grab me a plate real fast ? " Tanya asked

" Girl go ahead I got her " I told her

King POV

I saw my mama & hugged her & told her that I brought a friend along with me ,Bre'on. She was cool people. I liked the vibe she gave me when I came around her.  She was good person & she was a good influence on Dartez.

I left from by my mama & saw Bre'on holding a baby . All I could think about is the baby being mines & me sitting next to her . I glared a few more minutes then went over towards her & sat next to her .

"Someday you'd make the perfect mom." Dartez told her she smiled & looked away with an unfamiliar face expression like she was hurting . I wonder what that's about.

It's just a crazy ass feeling she gives me, at times I think about what ifs and then my pride says fuck that.

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