Chapter 6

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Bre'on  POV

I woke up at 5:45am today . I went to the bathroom & took a long shower . By the time I got out it was 6:30 I looked in the mirror & brushed my teeth & washed my face . When I came out King was in the bathroom . & had shower water running so I decided to clean up the living room & make breakfast . I made pancakes , sausage , eggs & homemade squeezed orange juice .

I fixed King a plate & placed it in the microwave . Then I fixed mines & sat at the table . By the time I finished eating he came out the bathroom with a towel rapped around him .

"Smells good in here what's cooking?" he said smiling showing off his white teeth .

"Look in the microwave & you'll see." I said smiling with him .

Everything about his presents spark me up .

"My bad about the clothes thing my sister dropping by & bring me some clothes." he then said causing me to stop & look at his body .

" You must like what you see you staring." he said with a smirk .

I laughed & rolled my eyes & put up my dish up . He went to sit down & the doorbell rung . So I'm guessing it's tezzy so I went & opened the door .

"Hey sexy." Dartez said smiling

"Hey beautiful." I then said back letting her in .

"Soo , where tank head at?" She said causing herself & I to laugh.

It's either theses people funny or I'm goofy .

"How you'd know?"I asked curious.

"That Benz its sitting there for no reason." She said in a duh tone , smirking at me.

" He's in the dinning room " I answered her she then walked into the dinning room handing him a sack.

"Thanks brat." he said snatching the sack out her hand.

"Look nigga you got one more time to snatching something & heaven gon be seeing you." She said to him

"Oh really we"ll see." He said smartly with a stuffed mouth.

"Anyways Bre'on you wanna hit up the mall with me & Chealse today?"

" Of course , just let me get my morning run & I'll call you." I told Dartez.

"And you need to stop bothering my friend." She said looking at him with disgust.

"Lit girl if you don't sit yo noodle head ass down somewhere." he said causing all of us to laugh.

"But give me a second too get dressed & I'll be ready." I said

I went to my room to find my sports top & bottoms to put on .

" Bre'on I'm leaving." Dartez shouted

"Ok see ya around." I screamed back

"Ight shawty I'm out." King said following his sister out.

10 minutes later I left from the house starting my run & listening to music while I did so.

Then while I was running my ex called me I ignored & continued running then he repeatedly called me over & over .

" What Jerome?" I asked answering the phone.

" Bre'on, we haven't been on perfect terms but you've never gave up so easily!" He said angrily.

"Look you need to look at the bright side I'm out the picture , so now you can be wit the hoes you chose over me . Now have a nice day , bye!" I said hanging up.

I never said my life was perfect , it's far from that . But I can have the baddest attitude & my temper will take over , lately it's been getting better . Just don't fuck over me nor with me & were good .

I finished my run & made it back home . I took a shower & found me something to where .

I found a almost burnt orange shirt. It was button down and some blue jeans folding the bottom with gold lettering & some white shoes I got awhile back but never to much wore.

After freshing up I called Dartez . She told me give her 15 minutes. I watched moesha until she arrived .

Dartez POV

I texted Bre'on telling her I was outside . & she told me she's on her way out .

Meanwhile the ride back to my house, I tried to strange. I mean like something wasn't right about my brother & Bre'on. Of course I won't mention it until either of them does to me because it's not my business but mhmm. I think I like this.

" Wassup Tezzy?" Bre'on said opening the door & smiling knocking my thoughts to the back of my mind.

"Omg where did you get that purse from ?" I said skipping to realize she was even here .

"Tom ford , online I ordered it." She said surprisingly

" I'm so rude ,for ignoring your question , but ready to hit up this mall."I said excitedly she smiled this beautiful smile that I adored for a second you'd think I was gay.

I pulled out the driveway & started my way to the mall .

" One question Bre'on , how did you get that bullet out of Kings arm?" I asked

" Umm , that's just a little of what I learned in La community college j did 4 years. I'm going to college for it though to finish but that's after I finish with business I want to be able to make money & go back & make more you know?" She answered

We rode the rest of the way to the mall listening to music & singing alone .

We made it 30 minutes later & it was now 12:00pm . We made it in the mall to see eyes in our direction . I texted Chealse & told her that we had arrived at the mall .

Bre'on laid eyes on the polo factory I knew her question. "Can we go there pretty please?" She playfully begged causing me to laugh

"Let's go then!"I said eagerly I'm pretty sure I wanted to go just as much as she did.

When we walked in I saw King with Toya . Toya & King had history . She left my brother for some so called gangsta or whatever he suppose to be . But every since King had a fuck love attitude & I know he still loves her .

" You think I'll find some good blue jean shorts in here ? " Bre'on asked

Then I noticed she was looking at King I knew she liked him I could tell . Yea he was the whole package & I knew girls wanted my brother but she was really feining for him I could tell . What girl wouldn't but aye after what happened I doubt he'll fall in love again .

"Oh my goodness look at this jumper!"I exclaimed trying to get my mind distracted.

" I think I have the perfect shirt to go with this " I then told Bre'on she was excited but still speechless .

"I think these shorts will go well with my polo t-shirt." Bre'on said sizing them up against her. I guess she could tell that I knew she was upset about King .

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