Chapter 13

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Bre'on POV

I was just finishing the last few parts of my hair & it was now 7:00 .

As I was walking outside of the building to get ready to catch a cab I saw King . He stopped as soon as he saw me .

"Where you headed to?" He asked

"Nosey rosey , but to meet my sister." I said smiling excitedly

"You have a sister that moved down here?" He asked shocked.

"No, I just got news today about her."I added.

"Well I was stopping to tell you look beautiful." He said while smiling

"Well thank you." I said while blushing starting to sit on the bench near the complex.

"What you waiting for?" He said as if he was concerned.

"A cab , I won't be able to get my car , until this weekend." I wined

"Well you can catch a ride we me until you get your car." we said willing to let me ride with him hopping out of the car. As needy as I am I wouldn't recommend that.

We got into the car and I put my seatbelt on.

"Where off to?" He asked.

" You can drop me off at Applebee's on Durban ave. " I then told him.

As he drove I began starting a conversation.

"So, how have you been lately?" I glanced at him & back at the road.

"Ruff, but I'm making it." He said. He seemed sort of off.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing." He lied.

"I know something's wrong because your finger nails are dirty." I told him. He just played with his chin hair. I decided to drop the subject. I then dug into my purse pulling out some fingernail clippers.

"Give me your hand." I told him.

"What?" He looked at me at me crazy.

"I said give me your hand." I looked at him. He gave me his hand and I immediately started clipping.

His phone began ringing and I saw a picture of a brown skinned girl appeared on the screen. He ignored the call and continued to drive.

I changed the subject before the moment got awkward to me.

"You need to start taking a break from work & relaxing." I told him he smiled.

"It's not that easy , especially when you have mouths to feed." I nodded my head in agreement.

"True." I simply said.

We made it within minutes .

" Are you trying to kill us at this speed you drive?" I asked humorously

" Nah shawty , I should be asking you that trying to cut fingernails while I'm driving. "He said making me laugh.

"Whatever , see you around." I told him waving.

"Call me if you need any thing."King said making me smile one last time.

I walked in the restaurant to see the same girl Kristi from class earlier sitting with another girl .

The other girl nervously walked up to me.

"Are you Bre'on?" She asked

Tears nearly fell down my face . I just knew automatically she was my sister. I nodded my head as she pulled me into a hug.

It felt like I knew her all my life she just went away for a while.

"Yes."I finally answered.

She then hugged me tightly saying ,

"I'm Natalie , your sister . I nearly passed out . My mom did say I had a sister my age but she didn't say that we identical. Then she introduced me to Kristi , saying she was our cousin. But of course I knew of Kristy I just didn't know, we were kin.

" Well I live down here with our grandma & Kristi's mom , Rhonda. I'll take you to see them tomorrow she'll likely be asleep once I get home . " She said still blushing

"I just can't believe you have a sister ! we have so much to catch up on."Kristi said cheering.

"Me neither , you guise have to me Brittany she's our older sister!"I said.

After three hours of spending time together , we went to my house until they were ready to go .

" Thanks my love , I had fun " Natalie answered while walking towards the door. We were all drunk.

Meanwhile I got in the shower . In my bedroom bathroom & thought of the unthinkable, sex.


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