Chapter 25

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Natalie POV

" Hey mommies princess , hey mommies princess " I said repeatedly to Ari wiping her neck while bathing her .

After graduation everyone went out to eat & celebrated .But as a mommy , I can't do that I have to take care of my baby girl instead & I don't regret having her , it's just a lesson & a great blessin . I wouldn't change having her for anything when I held her in my arms for the first time I knew it was no longer about me doing every thing for me , it's all for her now . I just wish she was able to meet her dad & have two parents to be loved by but no matter what is to go wrong mommy has her.

" It's time to get you out the tub mama " I said picking her up out of the baby tub causing her to cry from the cold air that touched her skin surface . I rapped her in her blanket . & took her to her room while dressing her . I've been practicing with her sleeping in her own room so far so good . After I put her diaper & onesie on . I walked to the living room laying her in her rocker & turned on ' law & order : special victims unit ' .

Not even 10 minutes into the show I heard a knock on my door.

When I opened it , it reviled B ,
" What do you want ? " I asked him while standing by as he hid his hands behind his back .

" Look shawty I just came to check on you & give you this congrats & Ari has a great mother " he replied in a pleading voice .

" Thank you , see you around " I said fake smiling & trying to close the door to but was stopped by his feet .

" Why you always acting like that with me ma , a nigga just be trynna chill & get on ya good side . "He said then Ari started to cry

" Look can we talk another time , better yet tomorrow she'll be at her grandmas , lunch at Olive Garden sounds fine ? " I asked him

" That's fine ma " he simply reply smiling

" Bet . " I said smiling at him blushing while closing the door .

I fixed Ari a bottle then put her back to sleep in her crib in her room & took a shower .

After the shower Ari started crying again & I just started to burst in tears . because nothing seemed to work , what I did . It's like I'm not good enough . I wish I knew why she's crying & what was hurting her .

I called Breon to get her help although she's not a mother yet I'm pretty sure she may know a cause of this .

"Bre'on. " I sobered into the phone

" Why are you crying what's wrong ? " She asked sounding worried

" I just can't do this ! " I said crying

" Look , I'm on my way over " she said hanging up .

I sat & with Ari in my arms until I heard knocks on the door .

I opened the door to see Bre'on holding movies & snacks wit drinks in her hand .

" Just calm down ok . It's maybe just because your overwhelmed . Especially because your situation . So remain calm , King has to take care of something & he won't be home until tomorrow morning . " she said to me making sense .

" I love you so much " I said hugging her .

She placed the things down & reached for Ari who was now not crying .

I put on the movie ' Raising Izzie ' while Bre'on laid Ari in her rocker & started to bake cookies .

" See it was not that bad , she just needed to be burped . "Bre'on said sitting next to me pulling me hugging me tight .

" Thanks for being here for me B" i told her .

" Aren't I always " she simply said .

After Bre'on took out the cookies , we finished the rest of the movie , while Ari slept peacefully .

" So Breon ,you know B stopped by & tomorrow were going on a date , he wants to talk , or have a conversation " I told her smiling ear to ear .

" Aww . He is sweet you should give him a shot & stop being stuck up . " She told me causing me to giggle at her comment saying I was stuck up

" I know , but I'm not use to that it's new for me & my bab- " I was cut off by Ari's coughing .

" Call 911 she's turning yellow ! " Bre'on informed me .

" It's to late lets go , now we have to hurry " I panicked . Praying aloud that my baby was ok .

As we made it to the hospital , doctors took her into the emergency room .

" Ma'am stay back " one warned me as I tried to run to the back where they were taking Ari .

" I can't let anything happen to her she's all I have ! " I said breaking down on the ground as Bre'on held me in her arms .


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