Chapter 24

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Dartez POV

" You ready for this ? " I asked Q who was sitting next to me on the plane holding my hand .

" Yeaa , you ? " He questioned back

" To be honest no I'm nervous , but I'm also ready to be cheering in the stands for you with my shirt with your number on it & smiling with that big ass cool aid smile when you make a shot . " I staid smiling & playing with his nails.

" Me too baby & I'm ready to start a family with you & see our kids beside you on the stands . " He said making me look away.

" What's wrong baby , every time you look like that you have something up your sleeves or something's bothering you . " He asked

" Baby I'm fine ! " I lied.

" I'll be right back I have to pee . " I said getting up heading for the bathroom . Once I made it throw up forced it's way out of my mouth . A week ago I took a pregnancy test , it came back positive & I missed my period . I'm just scared to tell Q & I don't know how I'm going to be able to deal with this , with him being on the road after these few play off games while I'm at home . I just can't , I may have to settled for an abortion .

I walked back to my seat after getting cleaned up in the bathroom . I already knew Q knew I was lying , but I didn't want to talked about it , when we were bestfriends more things were upfront , but I'd rather wait until his practice is over tonight to tell him.

" You wanna talked about it ? " He asked

" Please not now maybe later " i answered putting my headphones in my ear . he just continued to his phone & left it alone .

Quincy POV

I know Dorthy got some shit up her sleeves & just don't want to talked about it , because it's likely hurting her . I watched her as she hummed alone with the music with her eyes closed . I adore her so much dude .

She laid her head against my shoulder as I reviewed the plays that were going to be made on my iPad .

3 hour later

" Every one , were about to land " a polite notified everyone as we went down .

I awoke Dorthy after the announcement was made .

" Wake up baby , were just about on land . " I assured her .

" I'm hungry , " she wined in her sleepy voice .

" As soon as we make it out of the airport I'll take you out . " I said smiling at her .

" Q ? " She called out

" Yes , " I replied

" I love you . " She said with her puppy dog face

" I love you more ma " I giggle at her

" & I'm serious , " she said now with a straight face

" I'm serious too " I then said

" Just checking " she said smiling & punching me in the arm .

Once we got out of the airport , I rented a car & took her out .

" Babe , this place is nice " she smiled holding my hand .

" Soo , you have practice today ? " She asked after the waitress brought us our drinks .

" Yeaa , from 3 to 7 why , wassup ? " I asked

" I can't check on my man ? " She questioned sarcastically

" Hell no ! " I answered playing alone with her .

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