Chapter 2

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Bre'on in MM

Bre'on POV

I unpacked my bags & started my shower water while calling my sister . I just was still stuck on how I did this all by my self . I moved in a condo like I use to stay in for vacations now I own my own condo . I'm proud of myself and mini accomplishments but I have to say they probably would have been impossible if it was up to anyone besides my mom & sister.

On the second ring she answered "Hey baby , I'm guessing you made it !" my older sister Brittany said.

" Yes thanks to this wonderful girl by the name of Dartez I met! If it wasn't for her I would have been lost . " I complained. Thinking about how I would have to ask my sister who would likely become frustrated because she's so far away. We went on to talk about how the flight went & the view of Cali & having a heart to heart moment like on the regular occasions.

"But I'll catch up with you later little sister I have to handle some things u got a beep , I love you be safe. " Brittany told me

"Ok , love you too ." I said hanging up .

I hopped in the shower for 30 minutes then got out for my usually morning run , but since I was on just getting sitcho waded. I guess now will be the perfect time .

I put on my sports top & pants & grabbed my phone then left out . Placing my key in the left side of the bra.

I ran around the whole campus , then while I stopped to tie my shoes & came around the corner at little to fast because life started flashing before my eyes, I nearly got hit! I fell to the ground jumping back.

" I'm so sorry , are you ok ? " The guy asked jumping out of his car dressed in a white polo t-shirt & grey jogging pants. Not even a second after it happened. God must really have been with me. Because if I'd came out any later I'd been hit.

" Yea, just a little scrape on my ankle." I said looking down at my leg where my tights were now torn , so much for my cute jazzy tights.

" Let me help you , it has an ice machine around the corner , I can take you if you want . " He said politely hunching his shoulders

" Umm I think I can walk " I said trying to get up & shake it off limping to the nearest machine , which was around the corner like he stated.

" Are you sure? It is all the way up there & your ankle looks scraped pretty bad." he insisted he was quite the convincer. But he was right.

"How do I know you won't rape & kill me & walk away like it never happened?" I asked with my hands now crossed over my chest now.

"Look do you want the ride or not? I'm not into killing females like yourself if you wanna get technical." He said which was pretty harsh.

" Well I guess a car ride wouldn't hurt nun " I said while hopping to his passenger side of the call where he opened the door to my surprise. In his car I was a little scared because things are happing a lot around here in the world & my trust with people is crazy which I find funny because I came to be so opened with a girl I only met 5 minutes within me landing in California. But he looked as if he wasn't that type anyhow , he seemed more of a lady's man but it's precipitous vs. reality.

"So , are you from around here?" He asked starting a small talk in the car which was good.

"Nah , I just moved here today I'm just trying to get use to it I guess. & I'm slipping with stones already." I sighted looking out the window then glancing at him every once in awhile.

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