Chapter 17

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Dartez in MM

2 weeks later ...

King POV

Next month I'm going to start building the club , it's part of the plan . I'll be making just as much money in the club as I'll be making while selling drugs ,but I'll leave my crew in charge. B and I will be co-owners.

"So , sir will you go for $600,000?" the man asked me.

" Yea that's the budget for the place , & the other 400,000 for the inside."I said as the man did his calculation .
" I need it open by May 1, which is 4 months from now " I then stated
It has to be done by then , because I have to leave out for my mission , all the money is going to be entitled to Vanessa .

I reached down to the pockets of my suit , to get my phone & see I had a text message from Bre'on telling me to bring her some ice cream home. I sniggered aloud. I love my baby.

"Mr. King we'll start building tomorrow." The man assured me while I signed off on things.

After the meeting I headed over to Bre'on's condo to see she wasn't there , so I dropped by my moms to find her there .

"You must have knew she missed you." I said smiling at their bond .

Bre'on came to hug me she whispered in my ear.

Your appearance making me wet." She said with a freaky smile on her face she must know she has it coming once we when leave here. It just the beginning for her birthday.
February 12th to be exact.

"Baby y'all have to go with allat going on." my mama looked laughing causing us all to laugh.

Then Bre'on & I left heading to her condo.

On the radio Lil Boosie I want sex song played through the radio.

"Turn around girl give me the cat before you never get a phone call. And turn on some Keith sweat and let me take yo thongs off." I nodded my head to the music. Bre'on just didn't know the pain she was about to endure.

When I arrived before I could knock she opened the door she grabbed me & pinned me on the couch unbuttoning my shirt aggressively.I unzipped her skirt. Meanwhile she finished un

She climbed on top of me riding going  up & down and in circles on my man hood moaning my name over & over.

"God damn Bre'on." I grunted and threw my head back.
While kissing my kiss tattoo on my neck .

She stood up & grabbed my hand & I followed her to the bathroom .
She turned on the shower water & pulled me in with her . I kissed her while picking her up & pinning her to the shower wall . While going in her entrance . She scratched all up & down my back leaving wounds . I knew I would later have to pay for, not to mention the water was hitting it now.

1 hour later ...

After we finished , she cooked some homemade tocas .

" Baby , I love you I gotta make a run." I said before leaving out to check up on the trap.

At the trap

" Wassup boss long time no see ." Mone exclaimed , I ain't gon lie I missed this lit nigga.

" Wazzam lit nigga , I see you back on yo feet , good to see you " I said back to him walking inside.

" I need y'all out on corners money calling my name " I said to my workers.

"Ight boss , Toya pasted by." one of my workers , Zack said.

"How the fuck she know where the trap at?" I said thinking to my self.

" What she wanted ? "I asked.

"Something , she wanted to talk to you about." Zack answered.

"Oh fuck her." I then added

"I need y'all back on the street now & where B?" I asked.

"He' said he'll be back later or some shit." Larry said.

Natalie POV

I was feeling major pain in my stomach , so I reached for my phone to call Bre'on.

"Hello?" Bre'on answered.

"Can you take me to the hospital?" I asked calmly so she wouldn't be worried.

Within 10 minutes she arrived to my rescue. I was now cramped over the the couch with tears falling.

"You ok?" She asked. As I buckled my seat belt.

"No , I need to get there ASAP." I answered & with that she drove off.

Once we made it there the nurses rushed me to the back .

"Ma'am your going in labor." a nurse announced . I was confused , because I'm only 7 & a half months. Bre'on called our grandma , Kristy & our aunt.

I started to feel unbearable pain in my woman hood . A nurse came with a doctor , telling me I was on 7cm dilated.

The doctor sat and looked over things then began speaking to me.

"Ma'am each phase is characterized by different emotions and physical challenges. Think of it as a big adventure with some important guidelines. Therefore , this is going to be some time you just need to relax. Ok?"

"This is unbearable sir , I can't take this!" I cried Bre'on joined me holding my hands. I eventually dosed off.

When I awoke ,it was only 10:00 pm at night and I was exhausted. I felt sweat fall down my face as my family crowded me.

"Your only 8 1/2 cm dilated." Kristi told me. I sighted and saw Ms. Elian whom was Austin's mother.

Time passed and I screamed and sweated. "God please help me! Please take this pain away." I cried aloud.

The doctors then came in trying to get me set up for the arrival of the baby it was only 11:46pm and I was not 9 & 3/4 of a cm dilated which meant my baby was coming. All I could now think about was having my baby and loving her. She was going to be my #1 priority.

It was time to push.

Then , I met my world of joy.

Camilla Norari Kaylin Garcia born February 11, 2008 at Los Angeles California Women's Medical Center. Weighing 3 pounds , 5 ounces  and 7inches tall.

Her nationality was mixed with several things I won't know until I fully know my nationality. For know all I know is she's mixed with to ethnicities African American and Colombian.

Although her father wasn't here to see her she's here now ! I believe at this moment I'm one of the happiest people of live . My mother wasn't here nither , but I'm still happy , she even called her & Brittany it made me feel special.



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