Chapter 3

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Marissa in MM

King POV

I was coming over to visit moms & my little sister & almost hit shawty.

"What building do you live in?" I asked.

"I live in 400." Bre'on explained.

"Damn, & you stay here by yourself?" I asked for assurances. She nodded

"Yes of course." She smiled glancing at me then back out the window.

" So , why you moved out here alone in the first place ? "

"You sure do ask a lot of questions, but I don't know myself , I guess I just needed my own space I mean living in the boot was fine but after seeing the same surrounding everyday it gets old & I'm also going to college ." She said proudly.

"College girl look at her." I snapped my fingers.

"Shut up!"she said punching me while laughing .

"What about yourself?" She asked.

"I'm done & school isn't really for me. All the teacher had to do was teach me math , how to count money. " I said playing in my chin hair. The conversation that we were having made me feel like I've know her so long , when were just meeting .
She burst into laughter, from looking at something she saw on her phone. I found it attractive. But I had to come back to my senses. It wasn't nor is suppose to be that way. & feelings are for the blind. & so is love it's overrated.

We finally made it to her condo complex.

"Thanks for the ride King, I really enjoyed talking to you." She said getting out.

"Same over here ma , be safe & my aggravating ass lil sister is always home if you need anything." I said exchanging goodbyes with her. I know I'd likely not ever see her again after today.

After dropping Bre'on off I headed to my house to get cleaned up for tonight's celebration, pussy popping at onyx. B and I have been partners in the game for awhile , he actually introduced me to the ropes of this shit. I caught on & dived in the money head first. I'm so deep in the game now , there's no turning back.

I texted B letting him know what the agenda was for tonight and as always he was down. Besides , this should be fun , a get away from work stress. The game isn't only my job it's my life. This creates a way for me to provide for the only women I'd really cared about , my moms , sister & at one point my ex. The bitch really make me angry when I have thoughts about her.

  My only question is why hurt who & what loves you? I'm over her I'm just not over the pain I guess. Some still consider that being part of the problem too. I think otherwise. I know one thing my little sister & moms make me happy more than anything. And I'd be damned if a bitch change that.

  I pulled up to my town house for occasions like this & parked. I saw the usual around in the normal subdivision. People always passed judgement on why I let my moms live in a condo , instead of how. But fuck it's her life & if she enjoys living in a condo instead of house. Shid, she got it as long as I'm living. But I believe my moms theory behind this is , she's been saving up to build her own home. She never wanted it to be known that she raised a drug dealer. I don't blame her hell I was raised by her better than that. She can only handle & control so much.

    I made it inside, dropping my keys on the counter. & went straight to my room where I laid back & thought about today. It was the norm , besides meeting ole girl. She cool lowkey. I like her vibe , she seems like a cool friend girl ,because of course I'm not into having a relationship.

3 hours later ...

4:55 pm Los Angeles , California

I woke up at 4:55 seeing my phone with 36 notifications which I found normal. I got up & stretched then yarned. I don't live the fast life as many would think which I find different & relaxing. At times k do wonder why I seem not to have any conflicts. Shid to me the ones I did have were non-factors. I went to sleep peacefully every night. With not a worry. My little sister was in a safe environment. My mother had a hustle plan that had a flow and I was chilling waiting to see what life has to bring.

I approached the shower & showered for about an hour I was in such deep thought I slipped & let time flow away. Once I got out I found a more formal attire for tonight's agenda , looking good wasn't it. I was focused more on the chill mode.

When I finally did get to my phone again I saw Marissa calling.

"Yo?" I answered

"You up for something?" She asked

"I'm just chilling but I wouldn't mind." I answered. "If you insist."

"I'll be at your door step in a few then." She said then hung up.
Marissa was nothing more than a booty call , or wassup with it. She thick as hell with a mouth of her, we did some things but kept it cordial. It was nothing more nothing less.

I laid back on the bed watching BET & rolled a blunt with a towel rapped around me. As I installed the broccoli in the swisher. The door bell rung there stood Marissa with a long trench coat & black red bottoms on to cover her body.

She untied her jacket saying , "Are you gone let me in or what?" uncovering her black lace lingerie.

I smirked pulling her in & pinning her against the door.

"Fuck me." She said blunt. I reached my hands down in her panties feeling her wetness playing in it hearing her moan in my ears.

"Damn you wet baby" I said whispering in her ear.

"All for you daddy." She said licking my earlobe. I dropped my towel and she started to trail down my body with her tongue. She then wrapped her lips around my aroused member with her moist mouth and full lips around my dick , my head fell back in pleasure .

After pleasing me , I pinned her to the door pounding her uterus. I was rock solid , her walls tighten around me. I deep stroked her.

"Faster!" She commanded I was now speeding up the pace causing her to grip my back scratching it with her finger nails.

"Fuck I love you!" She said , she was just talking out her neck I continued to fuck her.

After awhile , we both cleaned up & she grabbed one of my many T shirts covering herself & grabbing her jacket covering herself.

"I guess we talk later some time." Said more in a questionable statement.

"Yea." I simply replied.

I got dressed & headed straight for B. I was re-energized , for something.

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