Chapter 26

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When I awoke Q wasn't in bed so I assumed he was out for a run . I went to the bathroom , barged to the toilet throwing up & I felt a pair of arms around me & it was Q .

"Oh my gosh , don't do that you scared me ! " I screamed at Quincy when turning around

" I'm sorry baby " he said giggling & helping me up as I got up to brush my teeth . " You know you don't have to do this every time , baby it's natural . " I said laughing at how his expressions are when he tries to help .

" It's my job ," he said confidently . I just smiled at him having flash backs .

" what makes you want to be with me , be honest with me why'd you choose to love me ? " I asked as everything processed .

" I feel like we have this connection , and I need you . honestly words couldn't explain it , I just wish you could stand in my shoes & interpret everything so you can get the feeling . " he said as he gazed in my eyes , but I looked away because of the way his words made me feel . Some times the way I treat him , I feel like he deserves better .

" So why do you stay when I only make you wanna leave ? " I asked .

"Do you not understand the love I have for you ? " He asked tears began to roll down my face . & I walked out heading to my suitcase.

" Where are you going ? " he asked walking after me .

" Look ," I pulled out a note from when we were in the 8th grade that he wrote me . I took it everywhere with me because it means something to me .

" Remember this ? " I asked wiping my tears with the biggest smile across my face .

" I remember it all baby . " He said smiling at me & lifting my face by my chin & looking me into my eyes again .

" Don't do that " I said blushing .

" I love making you smile though."

"You also love pissing me off too . " I added , " but I love it ! "

" I got practice , today & I'm going out with the boys tonight , I should be back at 9:30 ish . " He spoke .

" But babe , what am I suppose to do ? " I asked .

" Don't you have some friends ? " He asked

" No you ass & If so they don't live up here ! " I answered causing him to look dumbfounded .

" Daddy sorry baby " he said kissing me & my belly .

" But Tj's girl Nivea is in town , I'll see if I can get you two to meet . She's a nice girl if you get to know her . " He said

" & you know this because ? " I asked stunned that he finds ' Nivea ' so nice .

" Baby , it's nothing like that , but I love you call me if you need anything . " He assured me . & left . I guess today , will be the perfect day to go baby window shopping , until I find out the gender .

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