Chapter 12

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3 months later ...

Bre'on POV

I finished my class 10 minutes until 11 & my mom called. So I went home & changed into some chill clothes then called her back .

" Yes the wonderful Sandra ? " I called out when she answered the phone .

" Well hello to one of my 3 wonderful daughters . " She said back

" Wait who's the 3rd one ? " I asked her

" Look baby , it's a long story ok you have a sister that lives down in Cali she's your age . When you meet her she'll explain it all to you . I'm sorry I never told you . But meet her at Applebee's on Durban ave. at 7:30 " she explain'd

"It's ok mama I forgive you , talk to you later love you." I said hanging up

I was just stuck on how my mother never told me about my long lost sister . I can't be mad at her , because she likely has a great reason on why she never told me. Well I guess now would be a good time to take a nap .

Chealse POV

If only I would have stayed close with Dartez a little longer . When I think about it something tells me not to because were sisters . But we were never raised like that . We grew up as friends . But I just can't help this jealously why couldn't she be me ? Why did I have to suffer my whole life ? I wanted the royalty to .

Well I did get Chad . Right outta her hands . Fuck it .

Dartez POV

School was over so Q came & picked me up .

" How was school today ? " He asked with a smirk

" BRUH I been waiting for you to ask me this ! You wouldn't believe what that hoe Chealse pulled off ! First I catch her hugged up with Chad , my now ex boyfriend . Then she tried to talk shit about me with Brenda. Them hoes don't know what they got coming for them ! Let them keep fucking with me imma spass on em . " I answered now hyped

" Ayo chill Dorothy " he said laughing

" They just don't know . But you don't know how happy I am to know your back down here . " I said looking at him while he drived

" I'm happy too baby girl " he said smiling

" Let's hit the mall " I said outta the blue

" Good idea " he said

We pulled up to the mall & girls jocked me from every corner . I guess because I was with Q .

" Meet me at the food court " he Quincy told me while he walked into bathroom . So I just went to Rue 21 to shop .

30 minutes later I saw Q sitting at a table with a bag .

" I see you listen well " he said with a smirk .

" Whatever Quincy " I said rolling my eyes while smiling

" Same ole Dartez , he said looking into my eyes while looking into my eyes & holding my hands .

" Open the bag " he told me . I did as he said & found a note in it , so I read the note.

" Dartez Arneil Daniels , we've been best friends since pacifiers . Whether you know it or not I've always loved you . That day I left , I wish I could have took you with me . It broke my heart to know I couldn't take you with me . All I ever wanted was to be with you . No matter who I was with you were always on my mind . Without you I don't know what or where I would be . I guess what I'm saying is I'm in love with you & need you . " it read & with that it brought tears to my eyes . No on has ever confessed their love for me .

" I love you Dartez " Quincy spoke out . Then he stood up & helped me up .

" I love you more " I said while kissing him .

" Whether you know it or not I feel the same exact way about you . I just didn't know how to put it . I don't want to jeopardize our friendship . Promise me whether were together or not we'll still be friends . " I said & with that we kissed again & he took a box out his pocket . & opened it. It was a diamond necklace . He put it around my neck & we left .

Later that day ....

Q and I were laid back in his truck in the back part. Just chilling and watching the sunset.

He then grabbed my hand lacking onto it.

"Dorothy, look at me. I love you more than anything & one day I plan on making a family with you. I just want to make things clear with you because I love you dearly and no one could compare to how you make me feel. Ok?" I looked at him and I started to get sentimental.

"Tell me all this shit you saying for real and your not just saying it to say it Q,. I know you better than that but still don't let me down. I love you too and I'm more than happy that you've came back in my life. You just better not leave again. " I told him truthfully. He my better half, I didn't grow up with looking up to a female besides my mother. It was males , like Q himself he's taught me a lot and no one could take from that. Seeing his smile really triggers something. He makes me happy, he's there when no one else is. He's always there period.

"Bestfriends & lovers to the end." We said in unison holding hands. I burst in to laughter. Nothing was like feeling his presence knowing he's there.

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