Chapter 38

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Subway probably wasn't the best choice for starting my process of eating again. I definitely should have gone with soup, or just anything that wasn't so solid.

"Oh my God, I can't believe-" I cut myself off by hunching over and throwing up in the bucket I had setting beside my bed. I wasn't even purposely throwing up, my body just wasn't ready for food like that. Should have known.

"I'm sorry," Destiney frowned and sank down lower in her chair. She keeps thinking it's her fault I've been getting sick and nothing I do assures her it isn't.

"It's not your fault, Des. I've told you this. I was the one who chose fucking subway," I shook my head. I used a tissue and wiped at the corner of my mouth. Please, let that be the last time I throw up.

"Still," she sighed and stood up from the chair. She walked over to the window and stared out of it, her arms folded in front of her and her oxygen cord trailing behind.

"What's wrong, babe? You've been like this all day," I frowned. As far as I knew everything was okay. She was recovering from the transplant and was starting work next week, my mother had made it home safe, and I was hopefully going to be home within the next two weeks. Fingers crossed.

"Nothing," Destiney finally answered after a long silence and sat back down, giving me a smile. I studied here face. It was still slightly pale, but her color had returned a lot more since the transplant. Dark spots lined her eyes, giving the clear proof that she hasn't gotten much sleep in awhile. Worry lines were evident all over her face, making her look a lot older than she really was.

"You don't expect me to actually believe that, right?" I chuckled and held a hand over my stomach, hoping that would at least make me think the pain was going away. I was starting to think I actually got food poisoning.

"Yes," she answered nonchalantly and looked down at her sweater to remove a loose string that was hanging from the hem. She was wearing the one I had kept with me when she was lying in the hospital dying. I smiled.

"What are you thinking about?" I tried again. I knew if I kept asking she'd finally cave and tell me what's going on.

"Not a whole lot," she shrugged, and why won't she talk to me? She always tells me everything, what's making this time so different?

"Okay." I turned over to lay on my side, putting my back towards her, and stared forward at the white wall. If she didn't want to talk then there was no need trying to get her to. I'll just sleep and try again when I wake up.


4 days later I was released from the halls of hell, as I like to call it. They decided I was beginning to eat well enough and that my arm would heal on its own. But I'm still not allowed to scratch it, which sucks a lot of crap.

"Do you need help going down the stairs?" Destiny wondered and stopped at the top step, holding her arm out for me to take. I shook my head no and began descending down. I wanted to walk all the way down to the bottom floor because I was tired of sitting. "Oh..uh, okay."

I was halfway down the flight of stairs when I noticed Destiney wasn't right behind me. I stopped and turned around to wait for her. She was gripping the side railing and taking each step one at a time. She let out a breath of air and sat down on the step, resting her head against the railing.

"You're alright?" I asked and began climbing back up the stairs. She nodded her head and took a few deep breaths.

"Should have brought Trevor," she mumbled. I was a little concerned, because for the past few days she hasn't needed her oxygen tank. Why would she suddenly need it again?

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