Chapter 15

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Hiiii this chapter is muxh longer and I hope you emjoy ! Please vote commenf and share thanks ! -CayenCloud1999


I had everything ready to leave by 8:30 pm. I'm now waiting on Naomi to finish up in the washroom. She won't let me drive myself home, so she's driving me in my own car. It's been so long I had forgotten that it was here.

"Going home for a bit?" A nurse asks as she's checking on Destiney. I nod my head yes and give her a small smile.

"Hey, she'll be alright." She smiles, nodding towards me. I look down at myself, noticing my right leg was bouncing up and down and I was gripping my suitcase a bit too tight, to the point my knuckles were turning white.

I loosen my grip and try keeping my leg still, but I couldn't control it. I'm nervous. What if Destiney wakes when I'm gone? Or she doesn't make it? So many things could happen..

After the nurse leaves, I move across the room and sit beside Destiney. I take her hand in mine, something I've done alot the past weeks.

I run my eyes over her body, the same as I did the first day. The cuts and bruises have healed almost perfectly. You can hardly tell she ever had any besides the few scars.

She had lost a lot of blood after the accident and was extremely pale, but now her colour has come back. She's so beautiful.

Her ribs are healed as well. Really the only things wrong with her now are her broken leg (which is healing slower than normal because she obviously hasn't been walking on it) and the fact that she is still asleep.

"Hey Li. Sorry it took me so long. I was...thinking." Naomi comes into the room and sets her belongings in the chair beside me.

I watch as she closes her eyes and sighs to herself. Although I don't think she'd ever admit it, this has taken a toll on Naomi as well. I'm not the only one that's hurt.

I stand up from my chair and wrap my arms around her, pulling her in for a hug. We stay there for a few minutes before Naomi pulls away.

"Thanks Liam. I needed that." She says, smiling down at me. I hadn't ever realized how much taller she was than me.

"Alright let's get you home, yeah? You sound awful." She then says, and as if on cue I cough loud and painfully.

Naomi laughs the slightest bit and takes her stuff from the chair. "C'mon Payne." She shakes her head, then walks out the door without checking to see if I was following.

I quickly take Destiney's hand and lean down beside her. I place a part of her hair behind her ear and smile to myself. After 3 years and she still hasn't changed one bit.

I lean up to her face and kiss her on the cheek. "I love you, Destiney." I say quietly. My voice was scratchy; barely audible. I guess not talking for weeks on end ruins your voice.

I stand up from the floor and kiss her hand before exiting the room. "Ready mate?" Naomi asks from beside me, causing me to jump as I hadn't seen her.

I nod my head and follow her down the hallway. As we pass the main waiting area, Dr. Wence comes over to us. Another cough boils up inside me and I turn away to from him.

"Yeah, get better alright? Eat soup and get plenty of sleep." He says with a smile, patting my back. I smile back giving him a thumbs up. He chuckles before returning back to his office.

Naomi and I ride the lift down to the bottom floor then make our way through the cold to my car.


When I walk into my living room after being dropped off, an overwhelming sadness comes over me. Just a month and a half ago Destiney sat on the sofa, alive and well.

But because of me, she's spent the past 6 weeks in a hospital and may never get the chance to sit on another sofa ever again. I can't help but hate myself for it. She could die, and it's all my fault.

I trudge into the kitchen and open a cupboard door above the refrigerator. A full, un-opened bottle of vodka stared down at me. I take it off the shelf, without thinking twice of what I'm doing.

I take the cap off, leaving it on the counter, and walk into the living room. Taking a large gulp of the beverage, I sit down on the sofa.

If I hadn't of yelled at her.. Another gulp.

If I had just told her the truth.. Another gulp.

I should have stopped her from driving away.. Another gulp.

It's all my fault.. Another gulp. I glance down at the bottle. A 5th of it was already gone. I shrug to myself and take yet another drink of it.

She isn't gonna make it. I know she isn't. There's no point in even hoping anymore. She's gone.

I'm so pathetic. I'm sat here, crying over a girl and drinking away my pain. What kind of person does that? I wish I had never met Destiney. I've ruined her life. I've ended her life.

I stand up from the sofa and immediatly regret it. A sharp pain hits my head and my vision blurs. As I go to take a step, I trip over my own feet and come crashing to the floor.

I moan out loud from the pain and roll over onto my back. I slowly sit up and lean against the back of the sofa.

I find the bottle of vodka and grab it, stopping it from rolling away. 3/4 of the bottle is gone, but the pain inside my heart is still there. It's like a fire burning inside my chest. Like knives being stabbed into me.

Suddenly the front door opens and Dr. Wence walks in. How does he know where I live? And I thought I locked the door..

"H-how did..did you get in-in..side?" I stumble over my words, pointing up at him.

"She's gone, Liam." Dr. Wence says.

"No, you''re.." I couldn't think of the word for it. Then it finally hit me.

"You're lying!" I shake my head, causing more pain.

"I'm not. She's gone, Liam. I'm so sorry." He whispers, then leaves but he didn't open the door. He literally walked through the door somehow.

She's gone. I couldn't save her. The love of my life is dead. I bring my knees to my chest and take another drink of the vodka.

She's gone. I'll never hear her voice again, or feel her next to me. I..I killed Destiney. This is all my fault.

Tears stream down my face like waterfalls as I swallow the last of the beverage..what was I drinking?

I try reading the label but my vision was too blurry. Frustrated, I throw the bottle at the wall and watch it shatter into many pieces.

I stand up from the floor, grabbing the back of the sofa to keep from falling down. I make my way to the kitchen, holding onto furniture and walls to get there.

I open the cupboard above the fridge finding nothing. There used to be alcohol in here, I'm sure..

Anger takes over me and I kick the refrigerator. The love of my life is dead. I grab the item closest to me and throw it against the wall, hearing it break.

All I had to do was stop her from leaving. Without thinking, I punch the window immediatly regretting it.

I stumble backwards and fall to the floor. I hold my now bleeding hand against my chest, whimpering from the pain. Everything hurts. My head, my heart, my hand, my foot, my bum from falling on it.

I lie still, watching blood drip from my hand onto the floor. Tears continue to flow from my eyes as I lied there on the cold kitchen floor.

What do I do now? Destiney is gone. My one true love will never be capable of loving me back. Nothing will ever be the same.

What's the point in moving on? If Destiney can't live, why should I be able to?

I roll onto my side and move to a fetal position, crying myself to sleep.

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