Chapter 9

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I wake up in a room that isn't my own. I look around the room, and don't recognize anything. Where am I?

I get out of the bed, immediately wishing I hadn't. The floor was cold against my feet, although I had socks on. Wait, where are my shoes?

I look around the room once again, this time finding my shoes sat next to the door. I put them on before walking out into the hallway. "Chase?" I call, remembering he picked me up the night before. But this isn't his house.

My heart starts beating faster at the thought of being kidnapped, then a different thought comes to mind. It had to be Chase because the person knew my name. A kidnapper wouldn't know my name, right?

Whoever it was, why would they bring me here? I quietly make my way down the stairs, stopping when I see a small light coming from one room. I peak around the corner, feeling my eyes widen and my mouth drop open. I'm back in Liam's flat.

I clear my throat and he turns to look at me from the sofa. He stands up and comes over to me. "I expected you to sleep until morning."

"How did I get here? I thought Chase picked me up." I say, backing away from Liam.

"That was me. I came by to give you your keys because I knew you would need them. I found you curled up with snow falling on you so I brought you back here where it's warm." He answers, biting his lip nervously.

My stomach flips after watching him do that. That has always been on of my favourite things about him. That damn lip bite. "How do you know where I live? I've not showed you.." I trail off.

"I went to the postal office and asked them. I'm not trying to hurt you, Destiney. I didn't want you to be out there in that weather any longer and get ill." He says, still biting his lip.

"You could have woken me up fully and given me my didn't have to bring me back here." I say.

"I didn't want to wake you, to be honest. You looked peaceful." Liam says with a smile.

"Oh..thanks Li..." I say, but quickly add the rest of his name, "" I probably shouldn't call him by his nick name anymore.

"I guess I should go now. Thanks for picking me up. Naomi's probably home." I then say.

"I was sort of hoping you'd stay the night? Plus, I'm not gonna let you walk in this weather. It's too risky." He says, shaking his head.

"I'll call Naomi then." I say quickly, bringing my mobile from my pocket and dialing her number before Liam could protest. I can't stay here. Not when Maxine is here. It just isn't right.

"Destiney, where are you?" Naomi's voice rings through my mobile.

"Eh, Liam's..Can you come get me?" I ask.

"No seriously, where are you?" She replies, not believing me. She knows everything about Liam. I've told her everything there is to tell.

"I'm 100 percent serious right now, Nay. I'll explain later." I say, and Liam raises his eyebrows. After I gave Naomi Liam's address and hung up the phone, I turn to Liam. "Do you have my keys?"

"Y-yeah. In the kitchen." He sighs. I know leaving is hurting him, I can tell. But I can't stay.

A few minutes later I hear a familiar car horn from outside. "Do you have to go?" Liam asks, grabbing my arm. "You can stay the night."

"Liam, I can't. I'd love to, I really would. But with your girlfriend it just wouldn't be right. She doesn't like me anyways." I say, and open the front door. It hurts so bad to reject him like this. It isn't fair. The all too familiar feeling of tears sting my eyes.

"But she-"

"I'm sorry. I can't." My voice cracks, and I run to Naomi's car. As soon as I close the door, she drives off. I look out the window and watch Liam stare after us until he's out of sight.


"Wha- oh sorry. I was just, yeah." I say, holding back the tears. I had to force myself away from my one true love. I feel like dying right now.

"I thought you told me you'd never see Liam again!" She shouts.

"Because I thought I wouldn't. I knew I wouldn't. I'm so overwhelmed I just, I don't know." I say, my voice dropping to a whisper. "I miss him so much."

"Then why didn't you stay? You haven't seen him for 3 years!" Naomi says, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Because he has a girlfriend and it just isn't right. I was forced to reject him. Do you know how much that hurts?" I say. Unshed tears threaten to escape my eyes but I continue to hold them back. Crying won't help anything.

"I'm so sorry, Des. I wish there was something I could do." She places her hand on my arm.

"Why does it hurt so much? I expected him to have a girlfriend! Why can't I just move on?" I say, hitting my head with my hand.

"Hey, don't do that." Naomi pulls my hand away. "You haven't moved on because you still love him."

"But he doesn't love me anymore. Why won't my heart get that?"

"Sometimes your heart knows more than you do. Things will be alright. I promise. Now let's get you home so you can rest. I'll make you a cuppa and we'll watch Iron man." Naomi offers, turning onto our street.

"Thanks Nay." I say quietly, over at her. She smiles. I'm so glad to have a friend like her. I can't imagine life if we had never met.


Liam has rang me a total of 17 times this week. As much as it hurts, I've ignored all of them. It hurts to hear his voice, let alone even think about him.

I'll never get to be as close to him as we used to be. He'll forever just be a part of my life that I'll never let go no matter how long I live. He'll always be remembered as Liam Payne, my first true love, and most likely my last.

My mobile rings in my hands. Liam. Of course. I decide to answer this time. I've put it off long enough. "Hello?"

"Thank you for answering." Liam sighs in relief. "I need to talk to you."

"Go on." I say.

"Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?" Liam asks in a cheerful voice.

"But your-"

"Maxine broke up with me, Des. So what d'ya say?'


Hellooooooo ! How is everyone ? Happy New Years ! I'm a bit late but yano. I hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry if it's kind of short. The next chapter is longer and gets kind of intense so just a heads up ! Don't forget to vote ! I love youuu thanks for reading ! -CaylenCloud1999


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