Chapter 26

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"Talk to me," Destiney said with a sigh, having told me that 10 times already. I pulled my sleeves down over my hands, crossing my arms, and shook my head. There was no way I was gonna open my mouth and risk hurting her again. And there was no way I was gonna tell her everything that was wrong with me.

"Liam, please. Something, anything. I haven't heard your voice for three years," she breathed out, rubbing her face with her hands then staring at me with red eyes. She hasn't slept much since she woke up.

I held up 4 fingers, indicating that it's actually been 4 years, not 3. "Exactly! Four years, Liam! Do you realize how long that is?" Destiney half-shouted, placing her hands flat on the table and taking another deep breath.

"Hey, what's all the shouting in here?" I turned towards Dr. Wence, who had just walked in the room. I pointed at Destiney, who was glaring at me with an angry expression.

"He won't talk to me," she frowned and slowly put her head in her hands, turning away from me. The doctor kneeled down beside her and placed his hand on her back. I could tell by the way her body shook that she was crying.

"He doesn't talk to anyone, love," Dr. Whence said softly, rubbing her back. "I've only ever heard his voice once, over the phone."

"Why? He used to talk to me every day and-and sing it something I did?" I wasn't sure who she was asking, because she still had her head in her hands. I shook my head vigorously, even though she wasn't looking.

"You haven't done anything wrong, Des. He's just had a rough time recently," Wence explained, glancing in my direction as he spoke.

"It isn't the same," Destiney whispered, finally looking back up.

"What isn't?"

"Nothing is the way it used to be. I thought if we met up again, everything would go back to the way it used to be. But it isn't. Everything is different..and worse."

Now it was my turn to get upset. I laid my arms on the table and buried my head in them, pressing my forehead against the tabletop. I knew I was making a mistake that day I brought her to my flat.

I dug my nails into my skin, trying to feel even a little bit of physical pain. Anything to substitute for the emotional breakdown I was close to having.

"You both need to rest for today. I'll help you to your room, Destiney. Liam, you-"

"I don't want help," she mumbled and stood up from the chair, grasping the edge of the table for support. Despite the current conflicts between us, I stood up as well and took her hand in mine, helping her walk.

"I said I don't want help," she whimpered, her voice cracking. She didn't try pulling her hand away from mine, so I continued walking her down the hall and to her room. We were just about halfway to her room, when she stopped walking and leaned against the wall.

She was breathing heavily, almost wheezing. She held my hand tighter and rested her head on the wall. I moved to better see her face, and saw she had her eyes closed while still trying to fill her lungs.

Now is the time to use words. I swallowed hard and looked down both ends of the hallway before leaning close enough to her so she could hear me. In a soft whisper, I said, "Are you okay?"

She shook her head no, and I knew something was very wrong, because otherwise she would have gotten excited about me speaking. "I can't-" she sucked in a breath of air, but still didn't seem to be breathing well.

I let go of her hand and placed it on the railing for her to hold on to and I broke into a run back down the hall. Noticing Dr. Wence sitting in the cafeteria, I threw the door open and ran to his side.

"That was quick! Did she make it to her room alr-"

I shook my head and grabbed his arm, lifting him up from the chair. I pointed towards Destiney's location then darted down the hall once again. My eyes widened when I saw her, now lying on the ground.

I rushed to her side and hovered my hands over her, but not actually touching her because I had no idea what to do. She was still wheezing loudly, and her face was starting to turn slightly red and blue.

"Oh dear," the doctor mumbled, then lifted her up from the floor. He ran towards her room, carrying her bridal style and shouted towards the nurse's station for help as he ran by.

Once she was lying on the bed, he placed a ventilator over her mouth and put an IV in her arm. "Did she say anything before this happened?" he asked, running a hand through his hair.

I shook my head no, just as 3 nurses stormed into the room. "What's the procedure?"

"We need to run tests in her chest area first. She's having trouble breathing," he exclaimed, and they all nodded their heads before leaving the room, most likely to set up for the testing.

I walked to the side of Destiney's bed and took her hand, running my thumb over her knuckles. She seemed to be breathing a bit better now, but still not as well as I'd like her to be. "Is she gonna b-be okay?"

The doctor snapped his head up from the machine beside her bed and looked at me with a surprised expression. "I don't know, son. I'm gonna do my best, alright? I won't promise anything, but I will tell you I will do what I can."

I nodded my head and turned back to face Destiney. Her face was finally returning to it's normal color, but as before, her breaths weren't steady or slow. They were short and choppy, and sounded almost painful.

The nurses returned with a stretcher, and the all four of them quickly transferred Destiney onto it and soon she was being rolled out of the room. I stayed behind and curled into the reclining chair that was placed in the corner of the room.

I knew I wouldn't be allowed in the room anyways, and I could hardly keep my eyes open. Though I was scared to sleep, because I feared what the doctor would tell me in the morning. There were so many possible things that could be wrong with Destiney, and I didn't want to think about any of them.

My stomach made a noise, telling me I needed to eat something. But honestly, I only felt like throwing up. And then I realized, that this entire situation seems like it's all going in one cycle.

One good thing happens and I get better, then bad things happen and I get worse. And that goes for Destiney as well, who will get better, then something bad happens again. It's like the world doesn't want me to be happy. And it doesn't want her to be healthy.

I turned on my side and pulled a red marker from my pocket, and began drawing thin lines on my wrists. Mark had told me to try drawing on myself when I felt bad, rather than physically hurting myself. It only helped enough to hold me over for a few hours, it still didn't do what a blade could.

I stared at the wall before me, and tried to picture myself somewhere different. Living in a big house, with a fancier car. A smile on my face everyday, along with none of the health issues I have. With Destiney healthy and happy at my side too, just the two of us living happily together somewhere else.

Closing my eyes, I recapped the marker and put it in my pocket before crossing my arms over my chest and getting as comfortable as possible in the boring, grey chair.

I really hope I wake up to good news.


so I kind of miss this fanfic and maybe I'll start updating more often..what do ya think?

Thoughts on this chapter? Are you glad liam spoke to her, or upset that she wasn't able to acknowledge it? Do you think their will be good news or bad news when liam wakes up?? comment your opinions :) and as always thanks for readinggggg xx -emilee

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