Chapter 39

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My body was rejecting the new heart and I knew that, but I was afraid to tell Liam because we can't afford more hospital stays and I didn't want him to get stressed out over me again. Because with him, anytime something's wrong with me he automatically assumes I might die. He's brainwashed I think. Scarred.

I took the anti-rejection tablets as ordered on the bottle, but they weren't working like they should and I was scared. I didn't know if I was making it worse by not telling him or not. I thought it would be a good idea since it was technically saving money.

"You don't look well today. You're sure you wanna do this?" Liam asked. He sat at the counter eating a small bowl of cereal while I checked my bag to make sure I had everything.

"Yes, I'll be fine," I shook my head. Today I started my first day of work at the library and I couldn't say I was prepared for it. I didn't think I'd make it through the day without having to go home and that looked really bad on your first day.

"Call me if anything happens, okay? If you start feeling bad, call me and I will come get you. I know you don't want them to think you're skipping out but your health is more important than a stupid job."

"Liam," I breathed out with a short, angry laugh. "That stupid job is what's gonna pay to keep me healthy. And you."

"I'm working soon too," he mumbled softly. I didn't want to make him feel bad but I didn't have time for ridiculousness.

"Yeah, soon. Who knows when that is? We need money now. I get payed ten dollars an hour, and I get the money at the end of every week. I have to do this, Liam."

"Okay." That was all he said. He dumped half of his cereal down the drain, washed the bowl out, then went to the bedroom. Most likely to sleep. His orders were to keep eating, take his medicine, and get well rested and that's what he's been doing.

"Okay," I mumbled softly to myself, long after he'd been gone. I hoisted my purse onto my right shoulder and the bag that held my oxygen tank next to it. "I love you," I whispered, knowing all too well he couldn't hear me. It's the thought that counts, I guess.

I left the house, locking the door behind me, and entered the car. It's been a long time since I've driven. Liam is always the one that drives, and apparently last time I drove I almost died. It's safe to say I'm a little nervous.

Once I was settled in, I drove out into the street. I made a U-turn at the end and drove straight until I came to a stop light. 3 minutes passed before I was able to cross the main highway.

As I drove across, a car came from the left and whizzed passed. I screamed and slammed on the breaks, but the corner of his car hit mine, causing his to spin out. I sat stiffly with my eyes closed and my hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I breathed slowly in and out, desperately trying to ignore the familiar pain I felt in my chest. I jumped at the sound of my door opening, and looked up into the eyes of a boy with dark brown hair that was styled up and who looked about my age. "Hey, are you alright?"

"I'm gonna be late for work, I have to go," I mumbled and turned back to the steering wheel to start the car again. I can't miss my first day.

"Miss, you're in no condition to work right now," he shook his head and pressed a warm hand on my arm. My chest raised and fell with each breath I took, but I knew I wouldn't be breathing much longer if I didn't let him help me.

"Okay," I whispered and let him help me out of the car. There was blood running down my face but I didn't feel any pain. "Ahh!" I moaned and pressed my hand against my chest as I fell to the ground on my knees.

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