Chapter 13

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Okay so some of you may have already read this chapter, because I uploaded it last week but it was the wrong chapter. But here it is again I guess in the right place this time lol. Sorry for any confusionnn :) 


-Destiney's POV-

Gray. That's all I see. It's like I'm standing in thick, gray smoke or fog. And all I hear is a constant beeping noise.  

"Hello?" I call out. There has to be someone here. 

"May I have this dance?" Someone says behind me, and I turn around to see who it was. There stood a couple, that looked to be between the ages of 20 and 30. 

"Absolutely." The girl giggles and takes the bloke's hand. They begin dancing along to the soft music, looking into each other's eyes. Although I don't know how they could enjoy it with the beeping in the background of everything. 

"I love you." The bloke says to the girl, then kisses her. Standing there watching them, I could feel their love for each other. But who are they?

"E-excuse me." I say, tapping the boy's shoulder. He pulls away from the girl and looks into her eyes once again. 

"I love you too." She whispers, her smile growing larger every second that passes. 

"Hello?" I ask. No response.

"I was wondering if you could help me? I don't remember who I am or how I got here." I say a bit louder. Again, no response. 

"Can you even hear me?" I ask, irritated now. With no answer for the 3rd time, I walk towards the door to leave. Instead of walking to the parking lot, I end up in front of a large blue house.

An old, rusted car drives up and parks in the driveway. The same bloke from earlier gets out of the diver's seat with a massive smile spread across his face.

He runs to the other side of the car and opens the door, letting the girl out. He then lifts her off the ground and carries her into the house bridal style, while she giggles in his arms. 

I find myself following them inside and into their living room. They can't see or hear me, so what harm is there?

"Welcome home, Destiney Payne." The bloke says, emphasizing the word Payne, causing her to giggle yet again. They're married. They just got married. 

Am I married? Or have a boyfriend? That's probably the least of my worries. I need to know I am. What's my name? How old am I? Do I in fact have a husband? Am I dead?

When you die, do you forget things like that? Do you forget who you were and other people as well? Everything seems to be the way I would imagine it to be if I were to die. How did I die? And why can't I remember anything?

I just want to know! It's driving me to insanity not knowing. None of this is normal. You aren't supposed to wake up having no clue who you are, walking around in a load of gray smoke, and watching a couple on the night of their wedding. Nothing makes sense. 

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" The bloke asks the girl. 

"Liam." She giggles. "You tell me every day!"

Liam. His name is Liam. Why do I feel like I've heard that name before? What was the girl's name again? I've already forgotten..

"I know and I'm going to until the day I die." He smiles and pecks her nose with his lips. I smile to myself. They're so happy together. It's a beautiful thing. 

If I was married, I hope I was happy. And him, whoever that may have been, was happy too. But what would he be doing now? Crying at my grave? With someone new? Was he with me when I died and died as well? So many questions I wish I had the answer to. 

I turn around to leave the house, only for the scene before me to change for the 3rd time. I look up, as I'm now standing in front of a hospital. Why am I here? I'm perfectly fine. 

"Destiney.." I hear the voice of..Liam? I've forgotten the bloke's name as well. Why is it so hard to remember? 

"Destiney, please come back." I hear, along with the sounds of crying. 

"Hello?" I call, looking for where the voice is coming from. 

"Please, I need you." Then it clicks in my mind. Something has happened to the girl. 

I walk inside the hospital, directly into a patient's room. He was sat beside a hospital bed, and lying in the bed was his wife. But she looks fine. She was still in her wedding dress, as she lied on the bed, unmoving. 

"I love you." The boy croaks out, then kisses her forehead. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." The words escape my mouth almost too fast for me to catch. Why did I say that? He wasn't even talking to me! 

I watch as the bloke sits next to the girl, holding her hand and crying. I've forgotten both of their names already. I can't remember these two people's names, it's no wonder I don't know my own. 

She only looks as if she's sleeping. For a minute I think she is, until I realize probably the saddest thing of all. Her chest wasn't rising as she breathed in her sleep. There wasn't any color in her, she was as pale as snow. She's gone. 

"Please don't ever forget me." The boy whispers, only this time he was looking straight at me. Does he see me? And why is he telling me that?

"I wont. That's a promise." More words slip from my mouth unknowingly. Why do I keep answering him? He. Isn't. Talking. To. Me. 

Suddenly everything fades away, the couple disappears, and I'm standing alone in the gray fog once again. What does all of this mean? What do those two people have to do with me? Why was I answering to that boy? And what happened to the girl?

There are so many questions I wish I had the answers to. Although the most important one is: who am I?

Okay, let's think all of this out. I'm either dead, or asleep. But if I was asleep, wouldn't I still know who I am? Unless I'm dreaming..

I don't know.. I wish there was someone I could ask. If there is anyone. Maybe I don't have anyone? Maybe I don't have any friends, family, or a boyfriend/husband. Maybe I'm just a loner. 

I want to know. I want to know so bad. And not knowing makes me want to cry. It isn't fair that I don't know my own name or anything about myself. It makes me feel like I'm stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 

I lay down on the ground and curl myself into a ball. Tears stream down my face, as the beeping noise continues to flow through my ears. This isn't fair. I just want to know who I am. 

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