Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 yaaaaay !! :D Think of it as a christmas gift ! Thanks for reading and remember to vote, comment, and share ! I love you guys ! Happy Christmas ! xx -CaylenCloud1999


We sat on the sofa in Liam's flat, catching up on the past 3 years. "What do you do now? As a job I mean."

"I work at a small market owned by an elderly couple. I'm off until they're back from a vacation though." I explain.

"You're not attending Uni?" Liam asks.

"I have no idea of what I want to study." I shrug. This reminds me of when I first met Liam. It's like we're learning everything about each other all over again.

"Me as well. I almost auditioned for The X Factor after I left Wolverhampton, but I decided against it. I didn't have the guts and even if I were to win, I didn't want the fame, you know?" Liam says.

Before I had a chance to answer, a girl walks in from outside. "Hey Li- oh, who's this?" she asks, pointing to me and giving me a dirty look.

"This is Destiney. My ex-girlfriend from 3 years ago." Liam says kindly. I feel my heart beat faster and my hands begin to sweat as I watch the girl. What is she doing here? And who is she?

"Well I'm Liam's current girlfriend, Maxine. And just to make things clear, you're not getting him back." She snaps, then leaves the room.

I see Liam roll his eyes and he seemed to be..annoyed? No, that can't be. She's his girlfriend. He wouldn't be annoyed with her.

"I should go.." I say, standing up from the sofa. I flatten my coat, and run a hand through my hair. He has a girlfriend. I expected that. But why does it hurt so much?

"Can I call you sometime? We could get together or chat.." Liam says, his gaze droppinh to the floor.

"Eh, sure. Here." I hold my hand out for him to give me his phone, and he does so. I add my number to his contacts before handing it back. A memory comes into my mind from 2010 when Liam stopped calling me. Will he even contact me now?

"I really have to go now." I say. I could stay forever, but I feel like crying and with his girlfriend here it just isn't right.

"My friend is probably waiting for me at home." I add, and my voice cracks towards the end. I bite my lip, fighting the tears.

"Alright, it was so nice seeing you again. I've missed you so much. I hope we can keep in touch, yeah?" Liam says.

"Yeah." I reply quietly, and pull Liam in for a hug. I smile against his chest. He still feels the same as he used to. Taller than me, warm against my skin. I still fit with him perfectly. I wish I could stay here forever.

"Bye, Destiney. I'll message you soon." he whispers, and does the unexpected.

He lightly kisses my cheek, and I want nothing more than to feel it again. I've missed the feeling of his lips so much.

But now Maxine gets to enjoy it, and I'll never feel his lips on my own again. Or his body next to mine. Or hear his 'I love yous.' He's moved on, and found someone better.


On the walk home, I began to cry, and now I'm sitting on the porch of my own flat in the cold, with tears streaming down my face. I left my keys at Liam's, and Naomi isn't home.

I rest my head on the floor, feeling exhausted from all the crying, and curl myself into a ball, creating as much warmth as possible.

I can't help but be angry with Liam. He promised me he would never replace me. He told me I would be the only one he ever loved.

But I can't be angry. I didn't expect him to never find love and to grow old alone. I didn't plan that either. I'm glad he moved on. As long as she makes him happy. I just wish I would have moved on..

I'm halfway asleep when I feel large hands on my side, lifting me off the ground. Too tired to open my eyes, I let the person pick me up.

"Chase.." I trail off, hardly a whisper. I feel feather-light drops against my face, and the cold wind stings my skin. It's snowing.

"Destiney why are you out here? You're nearly frozen in place!" Chase says, although it didn't sound like him. I'm to tired to worry about it though.

"Left keys..she wasn't..home." I mumble, and grip onto him tighter, trying to escape the cold.

"You haven't changed a bit." He chuckles, and carries me somewhere until I'm being layed on what seems to be a sofa. Only it wasn't as warm as a house. Am I in a car?

"Chase." I say again, only I don't think he heard me.

"Sh, just go to sleep love. I'll have you inside and warmed up soon." He replies, and I can here the smile on his lips. With that I sigh, and fall into a deep sleep.

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