Chapter 20

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My whole world was shattered to a million pieces. It felt as if someone came from below me and sucked any bit of life I had in me away. I felt empty. "What do you mean 'who's Destiney?'" Naomi asks. She had her hands on her head and was pacing back and forth in front of the bed. She didn't want to believe what she was hearing.

"Destiney. Who is that? And while we're on the topic, who am I?" I didn't think I could get any sadder until I did. She doesn't remember.

"Liam," Naomi turns to me with glassy eyes and a nervous frown, "Go get Dr. Wence." At first I didn't move. My legs weren't working. Move! My brain scolded them, and they finally gave in and I took off down the hallway.

I find Wence near the water fountains. On a normal day, I would let him finish drinking before pulling him away like a maniac, but today is not one of those days. "Whoa what the f- Liam! I can understand if you wanted to see me but did you have to pull me away like that?" He asks, but his mouth still held the same, boring smile it always held.

I shake my head and tug on his arm, causing him to leap forward and almost fall down. "What is your problem? Calm down, alright!" He smoothes out his coat and gives me a look of disapproval.

Fuck this.

I wrap my hands around his arm, gripping tightly and drag him back down the hallway, despite his protests. The door to Destiney's room wasn't completely latched, so I kicked it open with my foot and practically threw the doctor in. I point towards Destiney. "Ah, you're awake." He gives me a death glare before quickly recovering with a smile, turning to Destiney.

"Yeah..I've been awake for awhile now. But um, could you tell me who I am? And who are those people?" She aims her finger at Naomi and I, her expression full of confusion.

"You've got to be kidding." Dr. Wence says breathily and runs a hand through his hair.

" I'm not kidding?" Destiney says, more of a question than a confirmation.

"Tell me your birthdate." He then says, gripping the bridge of his nose between his fingers. I watched as she opened her mouth and for a short moment I thought she was going to answer. But she re-closed her mouth and stayed quiet.

"This..this isn't good." Wence whispered to himself. Yeah, you think?

"Can someone please tell me who I am? And who you are. How did I get here? And-" She winces and brings her hand up to her head. She began to cry.

"I'll get you pain relievers." Dr. Wence says before exiting the room. I stared at Destiney, watching her suffer whatever was causing her pain. Everything around me faded. I couldn't hear anything over the loud sound of my own heartbeat. She doesn't remember anything. Me, Naomi, herself. Nothing. It's all gone. It wasn't supposed to be this way.

I couldn't focus. My vision blurred from the tears, I couldn't hear the conversation around me. I took a few steps back in search for a chair to sit down in but I never made it. I fell backwards, sitting down hard on the floor.

This wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to wake up and get better. She was supposed to remember. I don't understand how one can just forget so much. How do you forget your own name?

I open my eyes and stare up at the lights. The tears in my eyes blurred them all into a large white mess. Suddenly the brightness of the lights was gone and I saw the outline of someone standing over me. "Liam?" Their voice sounded blurred; like the lights. As if I had a pillow over my head or my ears were blocked.

"Liam, blink if you can hear me." I guessed it was Dr. Wence, but I wasn't sure. I closed my eyes. I didn't have a chance to reopen them because I instead fell asleep, lying on the floor and crying.

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