Chapter 3

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Helloooooo(: Here's chapter 3! I like to keep these short as possible, so enjoy reading and don't forget to vote, comment, and share! Ily ! xx -CaylenCloud1999


"This one or this one?" Abbie asks holding a blue crop trop shirt in her left hand and a purple in her right.

"Abbie, I don't know. We've been shopping for 3 hours. Aren't you done yet?" I moan and throw myself into the bench that was sitting outside the fitting rooms.

"Ok, I'll get both." Abbie turns to her shopping cart and places the clothes in it. "Let's go!"

"Home?" I ask hopefully.

"I was thinking we could get a bite to eat first?" She offers turning around to face me.

"That works too." I oblige and lift myself off the bench. We go to the checkout counter and the young bloke rings up all of our items.

I didn't have has many as Abbie did, that's for sure. I simply got the few supplies I need for school and 3 outfits. Abbie bought her supplies right, but I think she over did it with the clothing part.

She bought 7 pairs of jeans, 9 tops, 2 pairs of shoes, and a new bag. Although, I guess I shouldn't judge her for enjoying shopping. Everyone has their different hobbies or whatever you would call it.

When we get back to the car, I check the time on my phone. 7:23. Liam will be ringing me soon. I re-pocket my phone and lay back in the seat, letting out a large sigh.

"What's wrong? Miss Liam?" Abbie asks in a teasing tone. Yeah. I do miss him. More than you, or he will ever know.

"Yeah, I guess." I laugh quietly. If only you knew what I'm going through. Maybe then you'd stop mentioning him.

"We'll be home in about an hour. Then you can see him." Abbie chuckles and backs the car out of the parking lot. No, I can't. I can't see him. I'll never see him again. You're wrong.

I anxiouslt check the time again, wanting to hear Liam's voice. That's all I want. 7:27. What is he doing? He's always called at this time.

Before I know it, the car comes to a stop at McDonalds. "I know it's not the best, but I figured it would do." Abbie says, and steps out of the car. I follow her inside and we wait in line to make our orders.

When it came out turn, I only orderd a chicken wrap with water. "Are you sure that's all you want? I'm buying." Abbie asks.

"Yeah, that's all. Thanks." I say quietly as I move to the side so the next people in line could order.

We waited in silence for our food to be handed to us. By the time we finally got it, it was already 7:32. I'm getting more worried every second that passes by.

Could Liam be hurt? Did something happen to him? No, I can't think like that. He's probably busy, or held up after class. He's driving ir maybe his mobile is dead and he can't call.

But there is one other possibility that makes me un-easy. Maybe he forgot about me. Is that possible? It's only been one week but I am easy to forget... No that can't be it. I'm not convincing myself he's forgotten me just yet.

"Destiney!" Abbie snaps me out of my thoughts. "You're coming, yeah?"

"Eh right, sorry." I mumble, following Abbie to a table.

"Is everything alright, Des?" Abbie asks as she places her hand over mine in a comforting manner. No. Nothing is alright.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I reply with a smile, then take a drink of my water.

"You're sure?" Abbie urges on. No I'm not sure.

"Positive." I take a small bite of the chicken wrap. Abbie gives me an uncertain look but doesn't ask further questions.

I check the time on my mobile again. 7:36. Something is wrong. He is never this late at ringing me. I send him a quick text message, hoping he replies.

5 minutes go by and still no answer. Ok Destiney, calm down. Give him time. I think to myself.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I hear Abbie ask, but I don't answer. I don't feel like eating anymore. And I definitely don't feel like talking.

Now it's been 10 minutes. 15. I feel tears form in my eyes as I watch the minutes go by on the clock.

He's not going to answer. He's deleted my number and forgotten about me. I really will never see him again.

"Destiney! What's wrong?" Abbie comes around from her side of the table to stand by me.

"N-" I began to say nothing, but couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I let the tears fall down my face, not caring what kind of scene I was causing. It's all over now. He's gone from my life forever.


I guess I blacked out, because the next thing I know, I was lying in my bed at home.

"Oh thank god you're alright." I hear a familiar voice sigh in relief. I look beside me and see Trista with a very worried Abbie.

"I'm sorry." I whisper and begin to sob. All I've done is cry. Cry, cry, cry. That's all I seem to get done anymore. But honestly, who can blame me? The love of my life walks away from me, then forgets about me. I have a perfectly good reason to be upset.

"Oh, it's alright Des. You-"

"No it's not." I cut Abbie's words short.

"Yes it is. You're not hurt, and that's what matt-"

"No it's not! It's never going to be okay! He's gone!" I scream, not thinking of what I was saying. Great. Now what have I done?

"Wha- who's gone?" Trista asks with concern. She probably thinks I'm crazy.

Do I tell them? I guess I've already slipped. They're going to find out soon enough when Liam doesn't show up at school or our practices and matches. They're my only friends; they deserve to know.

I calm my self down and clear up the tears which were blurring my vision. I guess this is the part where I have to except the fact that he is gone and isn't coming back. It's reality, whether I want it to be or not. I take a deep breath before saying, "Liam. H-he's gone."

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