Chapter 2

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Hiiiiiii! So this chapter is kind of boring, but they should start getting better. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. Thanks for reading guys! ilysm xx

My twitter and instagram if you have any questions: @beneficialarry

Stay beautifullll :) -CaylenCloud1999


The next few days went by slowly and painfully. My friends weren't around because they had football practice. I had as well, but I haven't gone for the past week.

Liam has called me everyday like he promised, but we can never talk long. Either I have to do something, or he does. It's still painful without him. Whether I talk to him or not, I still feel lonely.

Everything I do reminds me of Liam. His absence is internally killing me. I try to ignore the empty feeling inside me, but it's too strong. No matter what I do, Liam was always with me and right by my side. Now he'll never be with me again.

There's that very small part of my mind that's telling me not to give up. That that wasn't the last time I would see him. But I don't know if I can believe that or not.

How would we meet? I can't text him and say 'Oh by the way it's been 10 years. Want to meet up?'. By then he would have changed his number and I would have no idea how to find him.

I feel like the world is crashing down on me. Everything I had is gone, and I'm slowly falling apart. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to handle the pain. It could be days, weeks, months, or even with-in an hour.

It's so hard to get through a day without him. But I have to try staying strong. For mum, for myself, and most importantly, for Liam.

I know he wouldn't like me being so upset over him and not getting on with life. He'd lecture me about how I'm stronger than I think I am and that I'm going to be alright. He wouldn't like seeing me so broken.

All that considered, I'd still do anything to be in his arms right now. I'd give up absolutely everything I have to just be with him. Too bad I won't ever get that.

A knock at the door brings me back to reality (a terrible place to be if you're asking me) and I walk to the door to open it. The same door Liam walked out of when he left. I get tackled into a large hug, almost knocking me to the ground.

"Destiney! Where have you been? Mrs. Donovan is very angry that you've not showed at practice." Abbie squeals after finally letting go of her death grip on me.

No one knows about Liam moving away. No one knows that he isn't coming back. No one knows that I've spent the past week crying and hurting. And to be honest, I'd like to keep it that way.

I don't want anyone to bother me about it or make fun of me over it. Some people from school thought Liam was too good for me, and didn't approve of our dating.

If they knew he was gone, they'd probably laugh at me, tell me it was my fault, or throw a million questions at me that I'm too hurt to answer. I think it's best if I keep this to myself.

"Eh, I've been sick. I'll be there Monday." I reply with a small smile. Maybe going to practice will take my mind off of everything.

Or it might make things worse considering Liam went to all of my games, watched me play at practice, and even practiced at his house with me and our friends. Maybe going to practice isn't such a good idea.

"Good, because any longer and she might murder you." Abbie comments with a light giggle underneath her breath. "Where's Liam?"

My breath hitches in my throat as I feel the heart breaking pain yet again. How do I answer to this? Abbie knows that Liam and I are always together. Before long she's going to findout he's gone. But I'd like to keep it to myself for as long as I can.

"He's um, with his friends today. I-I told him he needs to have a day t-to himself." I say, internally screaming. Oh, how I wish that was true.

"Oh, I see. Well do you want to go shopping with me tonight? I'm getting clothes and supplies for school." Abbie offers as she sits down on the sofa.

I really don't want to go. I'd rather stay here and waist the hours of everyday crying. But I need to go shopping, and I need to get away from this house for a bit.

"Sure, I'll go. Let me go change." I say before running upstairs and into my bedroom. As I walk in, the same hurt feeling hits me when I look at the bed. Liam and I had slept in that bed together so many times. Now it feels so empty without him.

I ignore the pain in my heart and walk to my wardrobe. I pull out a batman shirt Liam had bought me for my birthday and put it on. Next, I open a drawer and pull out a pair of black skinny jeans.

Once I was finally dressed, I check my reflection in the mirror. I don't ever wear makeup. Only for special occastions such as weddings, parties or funerals (which I hardly ever go to).

I put my mobile in my pocket, and head downstairs. Liam usually calls around 7:20 at night and I have to have my phone when he calls. I will not miss it for anything.

"Ready, babe?" Abbie asks, standing up from the sofa and smoothing out her blouse.

"Ready." I exhale, and walk out the door with Abbie following.

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