Chapter 11

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3 days. It's been 3 days since the accident, and Destiney hasn't woken up yet. And I havn't left her side the whole time.

"You should go home and get some rest, mate." Naomi says from beside, causing me to jump a little. I hadn't realized she was here. I shake my head, declining her suggestion.

Naomi still thinks I don't talk. I haven't spoken a word since I got off the mobile with Dr. Wence on Saturday. I'm too sad to speak. Or to even eat and sleep. I'm too sad to do anything.

If Destiney never wakes up, I don't know what I'm going to do. I won't be the same again. Nothing will be the same again. Meeting up with Desiney was absolutely amazing. But if we hadn't of met up, she wouldn't be in this position right now. If I could go back to that day, I would change everything that happened.

I haven't answered any of my phone calls or messages. Mum has rang my mobile twice everyday, but I don't answer. She deserves to know what happened, and I wish I could tell her, but as I said, I can't find my voice.

It's almost as if Destiney took it with her in her extended dreams. Or someone stole my voice from me so I'm not able to speak.

I've tried speaking, but every time I open my mouth to say something, I lose the words and my thoughts drift back to Destiney. I still love her. I always have and nothing can make me stop. Seeing her this way is so heart breaking. I can't lose her. I need her. I love her.

"Liam..I know you want to be by her side through this and that you want to be here if she wakes. But listen to me when I say that you need to go home and rest. Go home, shower, eat something, and rest. Please." Naomi says, almost begging.

I glance towards Destiney, then move my gaze to our hands. I haven't let go of her's once. "Please, Liam." Naomi says again.

I sigh, and hesitantly let go of Destiney's hand, feeling a small pain in my heart. Is this how she felt when I left her 3 years ago?

"I'll drive you. You're not well enough to drive." She says, and I follow her towards the door. I turn around and take on last look at Destiney before leaving her room for the first time.

"We'll take care of her." Dr. Wence says, patting my back. I nod my head before stepping onto the lift with Naomi. By the time we reach her car, I felt like I couldn't go on. I glance back towards the building, debating on running back or not.

"Liam, she'll be okay. I'll bring you back tomorrow." Naomi says reassuringly, and nods her head towards the door, motioning for me to get in.

I guess it is for the better. I need sleep, and a shower does sound nice. I sigh to myself and climb inside. I guess I don't have a choice anyways.


I'll admit that I'm glad I came home. I feel a lot better after taking a shower and getting sleep. But all I want to do now is to go back to the hospital and be there for Destiney.

Naomi came a few minutes ago and demanded that I eat something, so she's now in the kitchen making me a cheese toasty. I want to thank her so bad for all that she's done. But I have no idea how to do it.

"Eat up." Noami's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, setting a plate in front of me. I stare down at it, not making any move to eat it. "Well, c'mon." She says, nodding towards the plate.

I don't feel like eating anything. This whole situation has me so overwhelmed and I'm feeling sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Knowing that this is my fault makes me so mad at myself. I wish I could go back in time and prevent all of this.

After the second bite, I run into the kitchen and throw it up in the trash bin. I tried getting the message across that I couldn't eat anything..

"Okay..maybe you should go lie down for awhile, yeah?" Naomi offers, placing her hand on my back and guiding me out of the kitchen. I shake my head no, and walk towards the door. I need to see Destiney.

"Alright, fine. But at least brush your teeth first!" Naomi throws her hands up in the air, then sits down in a chair to wait for me.

I trudge upstairs and brush my teeth, twice, getting the horrible taste from my mouth. As I'm heading back downstairs, I pass my room and an idea comes to mind.

I rush into my room and pull my suitcase from my wardrobe. I lay it on the bed, then start pulling shirts off hangers. I take 6 pairs of jeans from my dresser, and shove them in my suitcase next to the shirts. I rush across the hallway and grab my toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant from the counter, then go back to my room to put them in my suitcase.

I look around the room for anything else that I should bring. I decide I don't need anything, and zip it up. I head back downstairs, and when Naomi sees me she jumps up from the chair. "What do you think you're doing with that?"

I hold it up, and point towards the door. "No, you are not going to do that, Li. I know you want to be with Des, but you have to come home yourself sometimes. It isn't good for you to spend so much time in that hospital." She says, shaking her head.

I shake my head, ignoring her, and walk out the front door. I get inside the car, throwing my suitcase in the back. "You don't listen very well, do you?" Naomi asks, as she climbs into the driver's seat.

I shrug, and look out the window as she backed out of the driveway. I'm staying with Destiney whether Naomi likes it or not.


Hey guys :-) I was kind of forced to update haha so here you gooooo I hope you like it ! -CaylenCloud1999

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