Chapter 16

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Helloooooo :) I should be studying rn but im updating instead lol

So here is chapter 16 ! I hope you like itttttt Vote and comment what you think of the story so far bc i feel like no one actually reads this tbh

Anyways ilyasm thanks for readinggggggggg ! -CaylenCloud1999


"Liam? Are you home?" I hear a muffled voice from above me and quite a distance away. I groan in response, coughing loudly afterwards.

"I hear you coughing. Please let me in? I've been knocking for 5 minutes!" I now recognize the voice as Naomi's. What could she possibly want at a time like this?

I furrow my eyebrows at the throbbing pain in my head as I slowly sit up from the floor. Why am I on the floor? A second pain hits my hand and I look down to see it covered in dry blood. Drops of dried blood were splattered around the kitchen floor as well.

Wait, the kitchen floor? Why am I even on the floor, let alone the kitchen floor? I could understand if it was the living room or my bedroom..but the kitchen?

I look around the room, giving my eyes time to adjust, before noticing dirt on the floor with broken orange glass. How did the potted plant get broken?

"Liam!" I turn my head to the left and notice more broken glass lying around everywhere. I look up above me and my eyes widen. The window is broken as well. It looks as if someone punched it..

"Liam!" I look down at the blood and cuts on my hand, then back up at the window. Did I break it? And if so, when?

"Liam, I need to talk to you." Naomi continues shouting from outside. I stand up, stumbling a bit, and grab onto the edge of the counter to keep from falling.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening them again, my vision more clear now. I spent the next 2-3 minutes leaning over the counter, coughing and causing more stomach pain.

3 minutes later I was finally at the door, opening it for Naomi. She rushes in, almost knocking me down and says, "Finally! What took you so long? I was out their for like 10 minutes!"

She looks around the room and I notice her expression change. "Liam..what the hell happened here?" I follow where her finger was pointing until my eyes land on yet even more broken glass that I hadn't seen earlier.

She walks over to it, carefully picking up a piece and reading it. She closes her eyes and sighs. "Did you..did you drink last night?" I shrug, scratching the back of my neck. Did I? I don't remember.

"You did. I can tell, you're in a hangover." She sighs. "You drank the whole bottle, didn't you?"

I shrug again. I don't remember last night. The last thing I remember is leaving the hospital to come home. Everything else isn't there.

"There isn't anything on the did. You drank the whole thing." She says. I could hear the pure disappointment in her voice.

She then walks into the kitchen and gasps. "Liam, what the hell did you do last night?" She half shouts. I watch from the doorway as she goes from the blood stains, to the broken pot, to the broken window. "You destroyed everything!"

"Is that..did you kick the refrigerator? Seriously Liam?" She asks, pointing towards the bottom of the door. A small dent was left there along with a few scuff marks.

I look down at my boots, which I must have been too drunk to take off, and my left one had black marks on it. I literally kicked the fridge.

"You kicked the fridge. You broke a window, and a potted plant. You drank an entire bottle of vodka, then broke the bottle once it was gone." Naomi states, counting on her fingers all of the things I did.


I search my brain for an answer, because I wasn't even sure myself, when suddenly a flashback hits me.

Dr. Wence stood before me in my mind and I watched his mouth move. "She's gone." His words play over and over in my mind until they finally register with my brain and I realize what he meant.

I feel my knees give away and I drop to the floor. "Liam!" Naomi's voice could hardly be heard over the loud ringing in my ears.

I place my head in my hands and drift away from the world around me, ignoring Naomi as she shook and shouted at me. Destiney is gone.

How? Why? It doesn't make sense. Everything seemed fine before we left yesterday. The nurse even said her brain function was 'amazing'.

But she's gone. She'll never talk again, she'll never walk again, she'll never be able to love again, or breathe again.

"LIAM!" A hand slaps me across the cheek, bringing me back to reality. I bring my own hand up to my face, holding my cheek.

"I'm so sorry. You weren't responding, I didn't know what else to do." Naomi says quietly.

"Is it Destiney?" She then asks. I nod my head. "Oh's okay. She'll be okay. I promise you nothing bad will happen. She'll wake up healthy, happy, and things will go back to normal soon. I promise." Destiney is still alive? I smile to myself. I imagined her death. It was all a figment of my imagination. She's okay.

"There's that smile. How do you feel though?" Naomi asks, lifting my head up with her hand under my chin, examining my face.

I frown, shaking my head. I feel horrible. My hand hurts, my head is throbbing, my back hurts from lying on the floor all night, my bum hurts for some odd reason, and I'm still emotionally damaged.

Although Destiney is still alive, she's still asleep. And I'm still a bit shaken from the whole "Destiney is gone" thing anyways. It seemed so real. I only hope it stays as my imagination.

Suddenly my stomach flips and I feel something try to escape my mouth. I slap my hand over it and run upstairs into the washroom. I throw up the contents of my stomach, which was basially all liquid, and just when I thought it was over, I throw up again.

Coughing, I pull away from the toilet and clean my face with tissue paper. "You okay in there, Li?" Naomi calls from the hallway. I nod my head although she couldn't see me.

I flush the toilet, then take off my shirt putting it in the dirty clothes basket. I turn on the water to have a shower, giving it time to heat.

I go into the hallway, Naomi coming over to me. I point downstairs and smile to her. "You want me to clean up your messes for you?" She asks.

I quickly shake my head no and guesture for her to follow me downstairs. After stopping to cough, I turn the television on and point to the sofa. Then I point to the kitchen.

"Oh, I see. 'Make myself at home', yeah?" She asks with a smile. I nod my head then nudge her towards the sofa.

"Alright, go shower Smelly." She giggles. I head back upstairs and into the shower, but not before throwing up for the 3rd time. I'm never drinking vodka again.

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