Chapter Seventeen

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"Make sure you are all set for the business trip, and bring extra clothes. We will extend our trip there for our personal things, you know....have a date and etc. Do you already packed your things though, do you want me to go there and help you."

Hearing his boyfriend's words in the other line, makes him shook his head in disbelief. It was already 10 pm in the evening and their flight will be set at 8 in the morning so....he already prepared his belongings earlier this day.

"There's no need, I already prepared everything, you should checked yours. Have you already prepared your things, what if you forgot something. I can't go there to check on it, so you better check it yourself. Wait....can I ask you something, is L.A a nice place though...I'm really curious. This is the first time I will go out of the country, and going to America was my dream. I'm really so excited", Jungkook smiles at the other line, after hearing Jin's squealing for their trip.

" Well... L.A is a nice place, you will see when we got there. I have a surprise for you, I'm sure you'll like it.
In the meantime, let's sleep now and yes I already check my belongings so don't worry. We have to take a rest now, coz the flight will took long.
I will fetched you there at 7,so be ready. I love you....". The last words makes his heart melt a thousand times now, it felt so good....Smiling to himself he replied to Jungkook....

"Ok let's sleep now and....I love you too, sleep well....sweet dreams...Kook".

" Sweet dreams....Yeobo".

[Next Day]

Widening his eyes on the sight before him, he doesn't even thought that Jungkook has his own plane....a private plane to be exact. And that's when he knew, that his boyfriend was really that freaking rich...

"What are you waiting for, let's go now".

" I woke up this morning so early, just to not be late on our flight. But I didn't realize....that you have your own plane, so that's the reason're so confident, that we will never gonna be late. What's the reason of the 8 am flight though," crossing his arms around his chest, as Jungkook on the other hand just chuckles on his tantrums.

"Didn't I mention it before, that I have my own plane. Or....i forgot to tell you, but....okay I'm sorry, for not telling you. So let's get in, so we can have our departure now." Jungkook holds his hand and lead him to the stairs, that will lead them inside the private plane. After entering, his eyes scan the place and an awe expression makes its way to his luxury welcome him.

" this is what it looks like, to the inside. It's so cool...",

" glad you like it, actually I'm the one who designed it.So....shall we sit now,you will sit beside me. Only the two of us, together of my two trusted bodyguards were here. So you don't have to worry",

"why will I have to worry though, it's not will do something to me. Wait....are you planning to do something", putting his arms on his chest in a defensive way. Jin was sarcastically trying to protect himself from Jungkook's use of words, not knowing what he really meant on what he said. But Jungkook just shook his head in disbelief, on his boyfriend's action. He just smile as he pulls him, and guide him to the seat he was talking about. Leading Jin beside the window, he let him sits there while he sat beside him.
He signaled on one of the bodyguards, to tell the pilot that they can take off now.

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