Chapter 1 Y/N Potter

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"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat yelled. Another Potter sorted into Gryffindor, no shocker there. You Y/N Potter, James Potter's younger sister, only 4 years younger than your brother. Your first 2 years you had been sent to Beauxbatons because your father heard it was a great school for young witches. However you hated it there, you had no friends and the breaks were always at different times than your brothers so during holiday breaks one of you always had to leave earlier than the other. You wanted to have the same schedule so you begged your father to send you to Hogwarts for the remainder of your education.

You smiled from ear to ear as you walked happily to your seat at the Gryffindor table next to your brother and his friends.

"Good job munchkin." Sirius patted your back.

"We all knew you'd get sorted into Gryffindor, you're a Potter after all." James added.

"How's it feel to finally be here at Hogwarts?" Remus asked.

"It's well... Magical." You laughed.

"You're going to love it here. Just stay away from the Slytherins." Your brother warned you.

"Especially that one." Sirius pointed to the one and only Severus Snape. You furrowed your brows at them.

"Why? He looks harmless." You asked, staring at him probably a little longer than you should have been. He had caught you looking at him. He didn't seem mean. Most people when they caught someone staring at them would give them a glare or a dirty look and look away. Instead Severus just made eye contact, looked around to make sure it was him you were looking at and turned away. He seemed harmless, shy and just a little awkward. All things that you were.

"He's trouble Y/N, just stay away." James instructed you. You nodded in agreement, but he was your older brother. It was your job to not listen to him.

"Now that the sorting ceremony has ended, prefects please escort your house to their common rooms." Professor Dumbledore announced, pulling your attention away from your brother and his friends.

You were escorted to your common room and given the password so no one from other houses could get into your common area. You thought it was unnecessary, what if two people from different houses were friends? You thought to yourself. After you said goodnight to your brother and his friends you took your timetable with your dorm assignment and went to find your dorm.

"Hi, I'm Jane. I'm your roommate." She said when she saw you enter the room. She had bright sapphire blue eyes and freckles that filled her face. Her hair was a gorgeous golden blonde from top to bottom.

"Hi, I'm Y/N." There was an awkward pause. Honestly you could be sociable when you wanted to be but most times you just didn't want to. You liked to keep to yourself, most people thought you were socially awkward. Even James questioned if you were sometimes. He tried to take you out and get you to socialize more with other people so you could make friends but you would rather keep to yourself. It caused less drama. James was hoping school would help get you out of your comfort zone and help you to start making friends and building relationships. James was the extrovert of the two of you. You could be like that. You could be the life of the party when you wanted to be. You could be loud and funny, adventurous and spontaneous... You just didn't. That's all there was to it.

"I put my things in this dresser, you can have the other one. If you'd rather have this one we could always switch. I don't mind." Jane broke the awkward silence that had filled the room.

"No, no, that's fine. Thank you.. I um, I can be a little awkward so I'm sorry if any of our exchanges weird you out." You forewarned her.

"That's okay. My mom says everyone's weird. That's what makes the world interesting." She was very encouraging.

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