Chapter 5: Future Brothers-in-Law?

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“Prongs, Prongs wake up!”  Sirius threw a pillow across the room at James hitting him right in the face.  

“Merlin, What Padfoot!? It’s 3am what could you possibly want?” James whined, throwing the pillow on the floor.  

“I need to tell you something.” He said seriously.  

“And this can’t wait until tomorrow?”  James grumbled.

“No, because it needs to happen tomorrow.”  

“Bloody Hell what are you talking about? What needs to happen tomorrow?” James sat up and rubbed his eyes.  

“I want to ask out Y/N.”  He said hesitantly. 

“Excuse me?”  James raised an eyebrow.  

“I’ve been meaning to tell you. I know I’ve seen her at your house on summer break but I’ve never really talked to her as much as I have the last few weeks since your parents decided to send her here to Hogwarts. I never noticed how beautiful she is or how funny and sweet. I like her and I want to ask her on a date. But I want your blessing. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” Sirius exhaled deeply. 

“Padfoot. There’s nothing you could do to ruin our friendship. We’re not just friends, we’re brothers and just think if things get serious with Y/N and you get married you’ll really be my brother.” He chuckled. “So how are you gonna ask her?”  

“I was thinking of getting her some flowers and a chocolate frog, then I’ll ask her to go to hogsmeade with me. I plan on asking her at breakfast.” 

“Her favorite flowers are daisies.”  James commented.  

“So you’re okay if I ask her out?” He confirmed. 

“Yes, you have my blessing if you let me go back to sleep.”  He yawned. 

“Alright, goodnight.”  

They both turned out the lights and went back to sleep. Tomorrow was Saturday so there were no classes to go to and they could sleep in. You on the other hand was sitting awake in your dorm room trying to think of how you should tell your brother and his friend that you knew what they had done. You had promised Severus that if they didn’t agree to stop then you would sever ties with them and you didn’t break your promises. 

You were sitting there hoping the words would come to you but you were at a loss. You suppose the words would come to you in the moment, all you had to do was tell them how you felt and hope they’d understand. Eventually you did fall asleep. 


“Y/N, breakfast is starting soon.” Jane gave you a little shake to wake you. 

“Hm, oh good morning.” You sat up yawning.  “I’ll go to breakfast in a minute, just let me get ready.”  

“Alright, I’ll see you down there. By the way your brother and his friends were asking for you in the common room, they told me to tell you they’d meet you at breakfast.”  

“Perfect, thank you.” You nodded. She smiled and left you to get changed. Since it was Saturday breakfast started an hour later than it did during the week and you didn’t have to wear your dress robes. It was starting to get colder outside with everyday that passed so you decided to wear a hoodie and a pair of joggers.  Taking a deep breath you left for the great hall for breakfast. As you walked there you saw Severus going the opposite way. 

“Oh no you don’t, get in there and eat.” You scolded.  

“Y/N breakfast started 30 minutes ago I already ate.”  He confessed. 

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