Chapter 23: The Truth

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"Hey, why are you coming back so late?” Your brother asked as you walked through the common room doors. 

“I was working on that assignment for Slughorn. Anyway Remus you told me we could go to the library and get those books. We still have a few minutes, can we get going?” 

“Oh sure. I know where they are so it shouldn’t take us too long to find it.” He nodded his head seeing the look in your eyes. 

“We’ll see you guys in a little bit.” 

Remus didn’t ask any questions till they got to the library he sensed you didn’t want to say anything until you got there. The library was quiet with no students other than themselves which wasn’t surprising. Most students went during study period or right after their last class. The last wave of students normally made their way to the library after dinner, after that it was almost always a ghost town in the library. 

“So what’s this about? We both know you didn’t want to get these books so bad that you couldn’t wait until tomorrow.” Remus arched an eyebrow. 

“I was talking with Severus. He told me some things that I don’t know if I believe but.. I feel like I should. Everything inside me is telling me that I should believe him. I just have this undeniable feeling that he’s telling the truth.” You hesitated for a moment before continuing. “Merlin Remus. You should have seen the look on his face. It was the most sincere look I have ever seen on anyone’s face.”  

“What are you trying to ask me Y/N?” Remus piped in. 

“He said you knew the truth. He told me that he and I were dating and that James and Sirius have been doing everything in their power to break us up. He said the last thing they did was wipe my memory. He told me you’d tell me the truth and I believe that you will. Is it true that Severus and I are dating? Is it true that James and Sirius wiped my memory?”  You watched as he took a deep breath then in one breath said.

“No. It’s not true. You and Severus never dated.” 

“He lied.” 

“I’m afraid so.” Remus nodded. “Here’s the book you wanted. Make sure you check out page 15 before going back to the dorm in case you want to get a book on the subject.” He raised an eyebrow at you before walking away which you found odd. 

You decided to listen to him and check the inside of the book. You found a note written in Remus’ handwriting. You had no idea when he would have put the note in there, you were standing here with him the whole time. 

“Y/N, they told me if I told you the truth they would out my secret and with the full moon coming in a couple weeks I can’t risk that. However, they never said I couldn’t tell you in a note. You and Severus were together, you have been dating for several months and I have never seen you happier than you are when you’re with him. Sirius used a memory spell to wipe your memories when you were supposed to be meeting Severus at the black lake. Don’t give up, you can get your memory back. All you have to do is go with your gut like you did today. If something feels right, then it more than likely is.” 

Remus was telling you that Severus was telling the truth the whole time. Your gut was right. You have feelings for Severus you have for as long as you can remember. You might not have known what those feelings were yesterday but you do today. You’re in love with him, it’s the only explanation. Your heart flutters when you think of him and even though you wanted to be angry at him for “wiping your memory” with a spell you couldn’t and you tried. You tried so hard to stay angry at him but everytime you look at him that anger melts away. It’s like your body is telling you in its own weird way that you shouldn’t be angry at Severus because in truth he didn’t do anything wrong. James and Sirius are the ones who deserve your anger and you’re going to make sure they know it. 

You got rid of the note so they couldn’t blame this Remus and marched up to the common rooms. Stomping into the room you saw James, Sirius and Remus sitting on the couches peacefully. 

“You lied, all of you. You all lied to me! Even you Remus.” You added Remus to make sure he didn’t receive any backlash for telling you the truth. “You wiped my memory. You used a spell on me! All because you don’t like who I’m dating!” You screamed. They all flinched back not expecting such an outburst. 

“Where did you hear that? If Severus and his goons told you that then you should know that you can’t trust them, they’ll do anything to get you to drop us. I don’t know what their obsession with you is but it’s getting out of hand.” James finally spoke after the shock wore off.

“He’s right munchkin. The Slytherins have taken a liking to you and really want you around.” Sirius added.

“None of them told me, I remembered. I know what you did,  used a memory spell on me while I was meeting Severus at the black lake. You all lied to me and from what I remember this is not the first time. You have lied to me over and over again. You have gone out of your way to hurt me and Severus. You two are the reason he was attacked by Remus, which was not Remus’ fault.” You emphasized, not wanting Remus to feel that guilt again. 

“Severus got hurt because of this obsession you all have with breaking us up. I have been hurt and I still have the scars to prove it.” You show them the scare on your hand from when Remus attacked Severus. “But I have been hurt more emotionally than I have physically. You guys have been torturing me all year! I almost wish I stayed at my old school.” 

“I wish you had too because then you wouldn’t have met Snivellous!” James screamed. “I don’t want you with him and as your older brother my opinion should matter!”

“My love life isn’t your business! It’s mine and the person I’m dating’s business. Just because you don’t like Severus doesn’t mean I have to break up with him.” 

“You should value my opinion more than him!” 

“Tell you what if you think I should break up with Severus just because you don’t like him then I expect you to break up with Lily because news flash I don’t like her!” 

“Since when don’t you like Lily?” 

“Since always! I just never said anything because it was none of my business. Even if I don’t like Lily you obviously do so I never bothered to tell you. Why can’t you do the same for me!?” 

“I know I have told you this several times. I’m done. Don’t come near me, don’t talk to me, don’t talk to Severus, don't even look at him. He has done nothing to you. I want no contact with you or Sirius. Remus this was the first time you’ve done anything like this so I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. If you try to communicate with me or Severus I will tell the nearest professor all you’ve done!” That’s where you ended it, walking out of the common room even though it was after curfew. 

You walked down to the dungeons not stopping for anything and not caring if any of the professors saw you on your way to the Slytherin common rooms. You spoke the password in a short tone and walked in as soon as the door opened. Severus and the others were sitting on the couch where they normally were around this time. They all lifted their heads in time to see you enter. All looking very confused.

“Y/N, what are y-” Severus was cut off by your lips on his. 

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