Chapter 2 What Do You See?

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"Hi." You said timidly.

"Hi... You're Potter's sister, correct?" Severus asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Yes I am."

"Well if you're planning on messing with me during class just remember my grade is your grade. So if you don't want to fail this class I suggest you just focus on your work." He said very seriously.

"Um. Why would I want to mess with you? I have no ill will towards you Severus. You actually seem really nice." You clarified.

"Yeah sure. Pay attention professor Slughorn's talking." He didn't seem to believe you and you couldn't understand why.

"I know this is the only class where you have a partner so that being said your first assignment is to get to know your potions partner. For some of you that might seem easy since your partner is your friend but some of you have never met your partner. So for your first assignment I want you to take this sheet that is being passed around and fill it out. You need to be able to trust your partner not only with your grades but also with your life. Some of these potions will be very complicated and could go very wrong and cause serious injuries if not done properly. This will be due by the end of the week." Slughorn explained. The sheets were floating around and made their way to each student. Severus looked at you then looked away rather annoyed. You didn't know what his problem was, you didn't even know him. Why was he being so rude?

Slughorn talked a little while longer before he dismissed you for the day. This was the last class of the day so after this you could go explore or do whatever you wanted. Once Slughorn dismissed you, you turned to Severus.

"Would you want to meet up after dinner tonight and get started on the assignment?" You asked as everyone started to file out.

"Sure. But don't bring your brother or any of his friends. If I see them I won't hesitate to make us both start off term with an F in the class." He sighed, picking up his things and leaving you there. You packed up your things and followed him to the door.

"Where do you wanna meet?"

"Meet me outside the castle near the tree by the black lake. Come alone." He stopped before reaching the door. He looked so serious, then he turned and walked out the door. James, Sirius and the others were waiting for you outside the classroom. You saw the look they gave Severus and the look he gave them. You didn't like it, you couldn't figure out why.

"Bad luck aye Munchkin." Sirius shook his head the second you walked over to them.

"What do you mean?"

"Getting paired with Snivellous." James added.


"That's what we call him. Anyway, come on, we'll show you around a bit." Your brother added. You all went to your dorms to change and put your books away then you left to go walk the grounds. You saw Severus sitting by a tree with his nose in a book. He was... Handsome. His jet black hair looked soft and smooth. His hooked nose fit his face perfectly and his body was exactly what you preferred. He wasn't freakishly built but he wasn't a twig either. You were willing to bet there was a good amount of muscle under all those clothes. You had spent so much time daydreaming about him you didn't realize Remus had been talking to you.

"I'm sorry Remus I didn't catch that." You confessed.

"I said, how was your first day?" He repeated.

"It was good. I like it here."

"That's good."

"Hey guys." Lily chirped as she walked over.

"Hi liles." Your brother greeted her. He was such a simp.

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