Chapter 18: Will You?

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She's your girlfriend now, Severus, it's easy. She's not going to tell you, especially when she wants to go to." Lucius encouraged.

"I don't want to screw this up, it's her first time, I want her to have a good experience." Severus replied.

"She's not going to want to go with anyone else. You are her boyfriend." Lucius answered.

"Just don't make it too extravagant. It's her first time so yes she wants it to be special but it's not a big deal. Get some flowers, find somewhere private." Narcissa chimed in.

"You're all acting like he's asking her to marry him, it's just the Yule Ball." Regulus rolled his eyes.

"You're just bitter that you don't have a date." Lucius remarked.

"I can get a date whenever I want but I'd rather go alone and dance with as many girls as I want without having to be attached to their hips the whole night. Which means while you're all stuck on the dance floor I can get plastered as I please. Thank you." He snubbed you all.

"Oh please we all know you just didn't want to ask anyone because you were worried they'd say no." Severus rolled his eyes.

"At least I'm not scared to ask my own girlfriend." He sassed.

"I'm going to ask her. I just want it to be perfect. She told me she never went to dances at her old school. This will be the first dance she's ever been to and I know she's excited. I want it to be as special as she wants it to be. She deserves it after everything she's been through."

"So what are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna do like Narcissa said and get her a bouquet of her favorite flowers and ask her by our tree. I think she'll appreciate it since it's the place we first started to develop feelings for each other. At least it's the place where I first started developing feelings for her."

"Well if she started having feelings for you under that tree like you did for her then it will be very special and she will love it. She seems very sentimental so I think that's the best place to ask her. Even if she didn't necessarily start developing feelings for you under the tree it's still the place where you both started hanging out. It's as we said, your tree, you can't go wrong asking her there." Narcissa told him.

"She's right mate. That tree is special to both of you. She'll love it either way." Lucius agreed.

"I planted some of Y/N's favorite flowers in Mrs Sprout's greenhouse. I was saving them for a special occasion. I think this is a perfect use for them. Lunch will start in less than half an hour. I'll go get some flowers, put them in a vase and set them under the tree. I think I can get to the great hall early enough to gather some things for a nice picnic. Could you guys distract her for a few minutes then tell her to meet me under the tree for lunch?"

"That would be perfect Severus. The bell rings at 12:15 it's currently 11:55. Go get the flowers and I'll keep her talking until 12:25. What class is she in right now?" Naricssa asked.

"She's in transfigurations. I'll let you guys know how it goes later when Y/N's at quidditch practice."

"Alright we'll see you then." Lucius nodded and the three went in the opposite direction of Severus who was basically running to Sprouts greenhouse. Once he got there he tried to sneak past without getting asked many questions but he wasn't that lucky.

"Severus dear, what are you doing here?" Ms Sprout asked.

"I um, I need to pick some of the flowers you let me plant a few weeks back." He stuttered, feeling embarrassed.

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