Chapter 16: Heart Break

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You looked at them with tears already streaming down your face. Just yesterday he pushed her away and told her that you were the only person he wanted and now not even a day later he’s kissing her when you two were supposed to be going to Hogsmead together.

“What?” Severus asked as if it was nothing.

“W-What are you doing?” You cried.

“Um, what does it look like?” He rolled his eyes. You just stood there with your mouth hung open. You had no idea what to do or say. People started to gather around, that’s when you saw Narcissa and Lucius looking just as confused as you when they saw their friend in Evans arms. Next to them was your brother and Sirius who also looked confused.

You were embarrassed and heart broken so before anyone could say anything else you ran past everyone back into the castle and bolted for your common room. You didn’t hear Remus shouting your name and running after you. When you go to your common room Remus grabbed your arm and pulled you against his chest before you could run into your dorm. You hit his chest, tears streaming down your face as you tried to push him away.

“Sh, it’s okay, it’s okay. Let it out.” He pet the back of your head and rested his cheek against your head.

“Remus he, he.” You sobbed.

“I know. I’m so sorry.” He glanced up when he saw James and Sirius standing there like they were getting ready to say something.

“I love him Remus.” You broke down crying so hard your head was starting to hurt. Remus just held you tighter not knowing what he could say or do to take your pain away. He saw James and Sirius’ mouth drop.

“I know, and I wish I could make an excuse for him to take the pain away but I can’t.”

“I can’t do this anymore Remus, I did all of this for him. I took the stupid potions, I’m eating 3 meals a day, I’m being more sociable. I did it all for him and it meant nothing. I helped him through everything, the bullying, the trust issues, all of it! Just so she could reap the rewards of all my hard work. I stood by him through all the insults and all the accusations, she wasn’t there for any of it! She had her feelings hurt once and she left, I had my feelings hurt time and time again and I stayed because I love him…. W-Why is this happening to me?” 

“I don’t know sweetheart, I really don’t.” He grabbed you under your thighs and sat you down in his lap on the couch when he felt your legs starting to give way.

“Y/N, we saw what happened. We’re sorry.” James spoke.

“Don’t pretend you care. You hated him. You’ve been trying to get me away from him since the first day.” You sniffled into Remus’ neck.

“We’re sorry he hurt you. We never want to see you like this. We still care about you, but things will get better we promise. You just need to take some time and eventually you will get your mind off of it.” Sirius added.

“Listen, how about we sneak some snacks from the kitchen and we’ll all sit here and cry, or tell stories, bad mouth him whatever you want.” James offered.

“I think you could do with a pint of your favorite ice cream right about now.” Remus added. You let out a sad chuckle and nodded. Remus then nodded to the boys and they left to get things they knew you’d like. Ice cream, cookies, soda, some blankets. While Remus stayed with you as you huddled up against him sitting on his lap.

The door to the common room burst open and Narcissa and Lucius came running in. They saw you there still crying, your body convulsing every few seconds. Remus was doing his best to sooth you but it wasn’t working as well as he hoped.

PROHIBITED! (Young Snape X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now