Chapter 21: I Can't Keep Letting Her Get Hurt

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"I don’t understand, it’s like she doesn’t remember any part of our relationship. Not the good parts, not even the bad parts. All she remembers is that I’m Severus from potions class. How could they have done this? None of them are smart enough to brew a potion with this effect. Maybe Remus but I know he’s not involved in this.” Severus paced around his dorm where Regulus, Lucius and Narcissa sat in various places around the room.

“This was Sirius’ plan I know it was. He must have found a spell somewhere. My guess is the restricted section in the library. I suggest we go out tonight and try to find whatever spell it was he used and see if we can reverse it. Otherwise who knows how long this could last, I mean they’re already planting false memories in her head.” Regulus told all of them. 

“Do you think Remus will try to set things straight once he sees what they’ve done?” Narcissa asks.

“I don’t think they’re going to let him near her because they know he will. My guess they’re going to do everything they can to keep her away from him and us.”

“The Yule Ball is in a week. She was looking forward to this. We have to fix this before then, if she goes to the dance alone then gets her memory back it will crush her. It’s not like I’m going to have another chance to escort her. This is my last year in Hogwarts.” Severus sighed.

“Severus, you can’t give up. We’ve always figured it out and we will again.” Narcissa assured him.

“At what cost Narcissa? They’re never going to give up. No matter what they are going to continue to try and break us up. One of these times someone is going to get extremely hurt and knowing my luck it’s going to be Y/N. The one person I promised never to hurt. I broke that promise twice already and I can't break it again.” Severus spat.

“If you leave her then you’ll hurt her as well, Severus.” Regulus pointed out.

“Not if she doesn’t remember me.”

“Are you honestly suggesting that we do nothing? That we give up and just let her think that she doesn’t know any of us. For Merlin sake Severus after all you two have been through you’re going to give up now? We can figure this out, we go to the library tonight and what they did there is a good chance whatever it is can be reversed.” Lucius argued.

“Yes and then what? Then they try something else and we’re right back in this room searching for ideas on how to fix things. As much as I want to be with her as much as I love her, it is not risk her getting hurt. I have been hurt once in this whole ordeal she has been hurt over and over and over again. She doesn’t deserve this. This is toxic, it’s unhealthy, my happiness is not worth her pain and it never will be. Right now she’s angry, but she doesn’t seem sad, upset or stressed, all the things that I have brought into her lie since I’ve been in it. I can’t justify it. I thought I could, I tried to but I can’t anymore. I can’t keep putting her in danger. She has a way out now, a way that will keep her safe. I have to take it, even if I don’t want to. It’s the only way to keep her happy and safe.”

“This is madness and you know it.” Lucius snarled.

“Is it? Is me wanting to keep the girl I love safe really that crazy? You do as you please, I’m done. They aren’t going to stop and I am no longer willing to risk her safety and happiness for my own.” He snapped, leaving the room making sure to slam the door behind him.

“Are we really supposed to do nothing?” Regulus asked the others.

“No, we're going to the restricted section tonight and we’re going to figure out what they did.” Lucius insisted.

“Do you think he’s truly given up?”

“I think Severus is doing what he believes is right. He wants to keep her safe and happy and this is the easiest way he knows how to give her both.” Narcissa explained.

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