Chapter 10: We Can't Be Together

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Severus was released from the hospital wing a week later, at that time you hadn’t spoken to him. He was released Friday, you didn't see him all weekend, you did your best to avoid it. Now it was monday and thankfully you didn’t have potions today so you wouldn’t have to see him today either.

Honestly you hadn’t talked to anyone since your conversation with Narcissa and Lucius. You and Jane had had a couple brief conversations where you mainly gave one word answers, showing your disinterest. Narcissa had tried talking to you about things like your health since she noticed you’d been skipping meals and if you did eat you went straight to the bathroom afterwards and she knew what that meant. You ignored all your brother's attempts and refused to look at Sirius when you found out this was all his idea. A stupid plot for him to get you to go on a date with him. The only person you really gave the time of day to was Remus. He begged and pleaded for forgiveness telling you had no idea what they were planning and he would never purposely hurt anyone.  You assured him that you weren't angry with him and you knew it wasn’t his fault. James’ last plea of you was to not go to the headmaster. He assured you that Remus had no knowledge of their plan.

You went through all your monday classes. Half paying attention, half in your own little world. You didn’t want to be there, you just wanted to go to your room and lay down. The lack of food was making you weaker everyday to the point all you could do was sleep. Of course you still went to classes and quidditch practice but it left you exhausted. By the time practice was over you would go back to your dorm and collapse. You slept for hours but always felt tired. Madam Pomfrey had made a comment about it a few days ago when you went to get your stitches out but you just talked your way around it.  Everyone was worried about you. Jane, Narcissa, Lucius, Regulus, your brother Sirius, Remus and even Peter had made comments.


You told everyone you would be skipping lunch to study, that's when Remus found you in the library.  You were studying for your charms exam but you kept falling asleep. Your head would lull back until it fell back jolting you awake. You would stay awake for a few minutes before it happened again.

“Y/N, let’s go to lunch. I didn’t see you at breakfast and I want us to eat together. Please.”  He took the seat next to you.

“I’m not hungry, I need to study.”  You replied, plainly.

“You can’t keep your eyes open long enough to study and that’s from the lack of food in your system. Please.” He begged.

“Remus I don’t want to eat.”  You snapped.

“Lack of food causes moodiness, you know. I know the break up with Severus has been hard on you but that isn’t a reason to stop taking care of yourself. Please.” He pushed.

“Fine!” You slammed your book shut. “But I’m only having a little, I’m not hungry.”  You forced yourself to your feet and walked with Remus to the great hall. You spotted your brother waving you both over.  “I will not sit with them.” 

“I understand, we don’t have to.”  He took a seat at the end of the bench. No one ever really sat there so it was just the two of you. 


“Stop looking at her like that. You’re that one who broke up with her.”  Narcissa scolded him. 

“I’m not looking at her in any particular way.”  He shot back, returning his gaze to the plate in front of him. 

“That’s a lie my friend. Even I can see the jealousy.”  Regulus commented.

“I am not jealous!” He snapped.

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