Chapter 12: I Won't Give Up On You

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You woke up in the hospital wing the next day. The windows were still blocked out to keep out the sun as they were anytime someone in the hospital wing had a concussion.  Dim lights lit the room but you still squinted trying to get your bearings. Once your sight came into focus you saw Severus sleeping beside you on the bed. Your face cradled against his chest and his arms wrapped around your waist keeping you from falling off the bed.  You didn’t want to get out of bed. It was Saturday so there isn’t any class today but you would have to wake up and eat then take your disgusting potions, it just wasn’t fun.  Instead of waking Severus you just laid there for a while and admired him. He was so peaceful, relaxed, and handsome. You cared about him more than anyone else and seeing him so care free made your heart swell.  

He started to stir and you quickly closed your eyes and pretended to be asleep. You heard him let out a deep breath as he wiped the sleep from his eyes with one hand.  He looked down at you and started to stroke your hair mindlessly. Glancing at the clock he saw it was almost time for breakfast. He knew Madame Pomfrey would most likely ask him to watch you to make sure you were eating since she knew your history and traumatic events like this could cause you to relapse.  

“Y/N, you need to wake up darling. Madame Pomfrey will be bringing breakfast over soon and you need to eat it to take your potions and to get your strength back.” He shook you gently.  

“M’tired Severus.” You mumbled, not wanting to get up.  

“I know but you have to. I promise you’ll feel better if you do. If you eat it’ll get your strength back up.” He tried to persuade you.

“I’m not hungry. I just woke up.”  

“We’ll wait a few minutes then you are going to eat some of your breakfast.”  He wasn’t asking. His ability to play nice and be patient was wearing thin. You were thinning and he was beside himself with worry. He felt his fuse getting shorter and shorter no matter how much he tried to be understanding and sweet he was so scared that it made him angry. He was doing everything he could not to take it out on you because he knew it wasn’t your fault but he was at the end of his fuse, he didn’t know what else to do.  

“I’ll try to eat a little.” You conceded when you saw the concern in his eyes. You didn’t want to worry him, that was the last thing you wanted.  

“Thank you. How about you get changed out of those clothes while I get your food from Madame Pomfrey.” You were still in your Quidditch uniform from yesterday and it had to be very uncomfortable at this point.  You agreed and Severus went to get both your breakfast from Madame Pomfrey. She had 2 eggs on Severus’ tray along with 3 sausage links and 2 pieces of toast. Then on yours she had 1 egg, 1 piece of toast and 1 sausage.

“Try to eat all of yours, Severus. Maybe if she sees how much you eat compared to her she will notice that she’s not eating a healthy amount of food. Maybe she just doesn’t know what she’s eating isn’t enough.” She understood it was a long shot but she was doing everything she could to try and get you back on a healthy eating schedule without having to involve Dumbloredore or Professor McGonagal. They would be her last resort.

“I will.”  He nodded as he took the tray back to your bed. You had just settled back under the covers and were waiting for him. As he approached you, you lowered the covers on his side signaling him to get back into bed with you.  He handed the tray to you and got into bed like you wanted.  

“What do you have to do today?” You asked as he placed your tray in front of you. He started eating and you took a bite as well, knowing he would be upset if you didn’t eat. 

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