Chapter 11: Quidditch Match

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The rest of the week was a little awkward, between you and Severus trying to establish boundaries and James and Sirius trying to talk to you. There were a lot of things that were finally getting back to normal.. All except how you were dealing with recent events. Severus did his best trying to watch you and make sure you ate well and didn't run to the bathroom to throw it up but there was only so much he could do, especially since he wasn't in your house.

You were doing your best to go about your day the way you normally would but you simply couldn't. Things felt so dark, even though you and Severus were still friends and you knew he cared about you just as much as he did before something about not being with him changed you. It was for the best and you knew that but you couldn't get past it. You spent less than one day as his girlfriend and in that time you felt like you were walking on water. Now you felt like you messed everything up and you could barely keep your head above water. You felt like you were drowning and it was all your fault. Rationally you knew it wasn't but there was that thought in your mind and it was screaming at you every second of everyday telling you he left you and it was your fault. You hadn't had a depressive episode in a long time but you felt yourself slipping, it was only a matter of time until you fell and you felt like it was coming sooner rather than later.

"Y/N... Y/N!" Remus yelled to get your attention. You were studying during your free period for the potion you would be brewing next week. Amortentia was a particularly difficult potion and Remus wanted extra help studying.

"I asked if you were ready for the quidditch match tonight against Slytherin?" He repeated himself.

"Yeah, yeah I'm ready. Just a little nervous obviously." You chuckled.

"Don't be, you're a starter for a reason. You're obviously a good player and I think you're going to crush it."

"Thanks... I know Slytherin can play dirty. I just don't want to see anyone get hurt."

"Lucius and Regulus are your friends and they know Severus would kill them if they hurt you so I don't think you have much to worry about. Just play your best. I know you'll be great out there." Remus encouraged.

"I'll also have you out there to help me."

"Of course. It's gonna be an exciting first match of the season."

"That it will. Well I have to meet Severus for lunch, I'll see you later Remmy." You gave him a hug and started to pack up your things for when the bell rang. When the bell rang you started walking towards the exit where Severus met you.

"Hello." His deep voice sent shivers through you.

"Hey. Ready to go to lunch?"


"Hello Severus." Remus greeted as he walked up behind you.

"Lupin." He nodded back. Remus was trying to be nicer to Severus to show him that he was trying to be a better person and as much as Severus wanted to believe it he couldn't. As soon as he made up with James and the others he would go back to being his normal self. Severus needed to see this behavior after him and the others were friends, he needed to see Remus standing up for the people they bullied, that's the only way he could find it in himself to forgive him.

"Let's get you something to eat before the match." Severus turned back to you.

"Sounds good. See you later, Remmy." You waved to him as you and Severus left for the great hall.

"So are you excited for the match?"

"Of course, It's the first one of the season!"

"Just be careful. These games can be dangerous and Slytherins don't play fair. Oliver Jones likes to play dirty." He took both your hands. "I don't want to see you get hurt, if you do I will personally hex whoevers responsible."

PROHIBITED! (Young Snape X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now