Chapter 14: Lily

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“Lily, we need to talk.” James and Sirius rushed towards her in the common room. 

“Sure what’s up?”  She glanced up from her book.  

“We need your help.”  Sirius spoke first. 

“Help with what?”  

“Y/N, she’s spending more time with Snape again. We need to get her away from him. Him and all his Slytherin friends are rubbing off on her. She threatened to hex us earlier. Please Lily, I don't want my sister getting herself into trouble because of them.”  James begged.  

“James, if she won’t listen to you, what makes you think she’s going to listen to me? She doesn’t even like me.” Lily told him.  

“I know but she’s mad at me because of what we did to Severus. Besides, we don't need her to like or listen to you for what we need you to do.” 

“And what is it you need me to do?”  She arched an eyebrow.

“Well since we all know Severus is in love with you we need you to flirt with him. Make him think you don’t like me and you want to start over and be with him instead. Then flirt with him in front of Y/N and make her think he’s falling for you again too.”  Sirius explained.

“She will be hurt but in the long run this is better for her. Getting involved with the wrong people now could screw with her life later down the line.” James explained.  

“So let me get this straight, you want me to flirt with Severus and basically break your little sister's heart. Don’t you think that’s a bit cruel? I mean it’s not like this is going to go anywhere serious with them. Severus graduates this year and Y/N has another 2 years. They won’t make it past graduation can’t you just let her learn on her own?” Lily pointed out.

“Y/N is doing well in all her classes so she could possibly graduate early. Either way I don’t want him soiling her mind for the next however many months until graduation. She’s already acting differently and I don’t want it to get worse. We need to get her out now. Please Lily.” James begged.

“....Fine, but you owe me.”  She sighed.  “I’ll go talk to Severus tomorrow during study period.” She added. 

“Perfect, we’ll bring Y/N at the end of the period and when we get there start flirting with him. Get touchy, maybe kiss his cheek. Just make it look like you and Severus have been meeting for a while.” James told her.

“They are on a break so technically Y/N shouldn’t get mad that he’s seeing someone else.”  Sirius added.  


The next day started out like any other day. You and Severus met up by your tree to eat breakfast together before he walked you to your first class. You both agreed that you would meet him in the library then walk to the great hall for lunch.  

You were both happy with the way things were progressing. Severus couldn’t wait until Dumbledore announced that the school would be having a Yule ball this year so he could ask you to be his date. He had been planning how to ask you for weeks. After talking with Narcissa about it and maybe having her ask how you would want to be asked he came up with a plan. Dumbledore should be announcing the ball any day now. 

After walking you to your first class he left to go to his. You two didn’t have advanced potions today so you wouldn’t be seeing each other in class which meant you wouldn’t be seeing much of each other until lunch.  You did have a study period with Narcissa after your second period class. You had both been sitting in the library talking.

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