Chapter 20: Forgotten

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It's short but with my laptop being broken it's the most o could get


"I can't believe this. She's still with Snivillous after all that. I thought for sure Lily would be the key to breaking them up. Snape has been obsessed with her for years and now all of a sudden he's willing to forget about her. I swear he's only doing this because Y/n's my sister. If she was just some random student he'd forget about her in a second for Lily." James ranted in the common room.

"Or maybe it's because he actually cares for your sister and isn't willing to lose her just because you're being a dick." Remus muttered from the couch across from them.

"Oh hush it over there." Sirius groaned, walking into the room with a piece of paper and handing it to James.

"What is this?"

"That is a spell I think we could use. One final attempt. What do you say?"

"Where did you find this spell?"

"Does it matter, it's brilliant." Sirius insisted.

"What are you two planning over there?" Remus asked, lifting his head from his book.

"Don't you concern yourself with that Remus. You'll just go back to tell your new friend Snivy what we're doing." Sirius replied.

"Why can't you just let them be happy?"

"Because my sister deserves better."

"I don't think anyone else could treat her better than Severus has been treating her. He has done everything he could to be with her, to stay with her, to protect her and make her happy. You're just too stupid and blinded by hate to see it." Remus spat, taking his book and exiting the room. James shook his head then looked back to Sirius.

"So, what are you thinking?"

"This spell is used to rid someone of their memory. It can be used to completely wipe the person's memory or everything. Their name, age, everything. Or it can be used to just wipe certain things from a person's memory. Like wiping Snape from Y/N's memory and this time we do a better job at keeping her away from him." Sirius explained

"We tried that the first time. How do we make sure she doesn't fall for him again?" James thought out loud.

"Last time Severus didn't do anything to personally offend Y/N she just thought we were being dramatic. This time we tell her that he's the reason she can't remember anything. That he is the prankster and she has to stay away from him."

"That's a good idea. I overheard her telling her roommate Jane that she was meeting Severus at the black lake in about 15 minutes. If we head there now we'll beat Snape there."

"Well let's go." Sirius headed towards the door. They both rushed to the black lake. They could see you sitting on the dock watching the creatures down below. James pulled Sirius aside before they approached you.

"I'll distract her, you cast the spell." James told him.

"Why do I have to cast the spell?" He argued.

"Because you found it, you know it better than I do." James insisted.


They checked behind them to make sure no one was coming then approached you now that they had a game plan. They came up behind you on the dock and Sirius drew his wand sneakily.

"Hey Y/N we wanted to talk to you real quick." James called out to you as him and Sirius approached you.

"What do you guys want? You know I don't want to talk to either of you right now. The only person I'll talk to in your little group is Remus and I think the only reason he bothers with you is because of what you could do to him."

"Remus is with us because he has always been with us. Just because he's friends with you and you decided to date Snape doesn't mean he's just going to turn his back on us. He will always be a Marauder." James explained. "Either way that's not why we're here. We're here because we wanted to show you a new spell that we think would be of some use to you."

"Spell? What kind of spell could be of use to me. If I needed a spell I'd go to the library and look for it or ask one of the Professors."

"Obliviate!" Sirius yelled, light flashing from the tip of his wand. Your eyes glazed over and you stood there confused as to what you were doing there and why your brother and friend were staring at you like that.

"What's going on with you guys? Why are you staring at me like that? Why are we out by the lake shouldn't I be in the common room getting ready for class?"

"Y/N, what do you remember?" James asked.

"I remember that I have an exam in transfigurations that I should be studying for. So again I'll ask ''why are we out by the lake?"

"You don't remember anything about Snape?" Sirius asked, wandering if his spell worked the way he wanted it to. Not removing all your memories, just the ones that solidified your relationship with Snape.

"Snape, as in Severus Snape? He's my potions partner why? What's he got to do with us being out here?" You asked, still wondering what the hell you were doing by the lake in the first place.

"He tested one of his potions on you. I think it has an effect on your memory. We found you walking here and followed you here to make sure you were okay." James lied through his teeth.

"He gave me a potion? What kind of potion?"

"We aren't sure. Something that obviously wasn't done properly. Don't worry you're okay you were just a little confused when you wondered out here but you're okay now. We're gonna take you back to the common room and keep an eye on you. We can even help you study for your exam." Sirius replied, playing into James' lie.

"Well... Okay." You rubbed the back of your neck still wondering what the hell was going on.

"What are you two doing here with Y/N. She already told you she didn't want anything to do with either of you. Why can't you just leave her alone. If you want to harass me fine but leave her be for Merlins' sake!" Severus fumed as he approached you with Regulus behind him.

"What did you do to me, Snape?" You asked with so much venom in your voice it made Severus stop in his tracks only 5 feet from you.

"What are you talking about darling? I was coming to meet you like we agreed this morning. Regulus came with me when he saw these two out here bothering you." Severus tried to explain but he could see the confusion and disgust in your eyes.

"Darling? Talking this morning? What are you talking about? We never talked this morning. I hardly remember having any conversation with you that isn't about potion making. Why would I be meeting you out here? What potion did you give me to get me here?" Severus was now officially as confused as you were. You agreed to meet here this morning. How could you not remember?

"We agreed to meet here this morning during breakfast?" He tried to explain but you cut him off.

"I don't know what game you're playing here Snape but my brother told me you gave me one of your experimental potions. What were you thinking? Do you have any idea what it could have done to me? What if you ended up poisoning me?" You yelled.

"What are you talking about? I would never test a potion on you."

"Just save it." You huffed walking away. James followed you and Sirius followed him until Regulus grabbed him by the arm.

"What did you do?" He asked threateningly low.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sirius insisted.

"I'm serious! What did you do?" He yelled.

"Maybe Y/N just realized who her loyalty lies with. Stay away from her, she's one of us always has been. She was lost for a while and you all took advantage of it. She knows who she is now so leave her alone.... All of you." He added looking at Severus.

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