Chapter:4 You're My Friend

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You wandered through the halls after curfew, Severus had left you and you had no idea how to get back to your common room. The halls were dark and scary and you weren't fond of the dark to begin with. You took a few flights of stairs trying to find your way to your common room without getting caught. Looking around you realized you somehow managed to make it to the dungeons. You tried to find the stairs to go back up but you heard a noise so you ran in the opposite direction. You heard a door slam and you hid around a corner. There was a hideous laugh that made you shiver. You clamped your hand over your mouth to keep yourself from breathing too heavily. A couple tears rolled down your cheeks.

"Ah, hahaha!" You hear it again, it sounded closer.

"Hmm, hmm." You tried to stop your sobs from coming out then the door across from you slammed shut and you couldn't contain the scream that left your mouth. You sunk to the floor and pulled your knees to your chest and covered your ears.

"ENOUGH!" You heard someone yell. You didn't dare look up or uncover your ears. "Get out of here Peeves or so help me I will get nearly headless Nick!" You hadn't even opened your eyes yet and you felt two hands wrap around your wrist encouraging you to let go of your ears.

"Hey, it's okay he's gone. You're safe." You slowly dropped your hands to see Severus kneeling in front of you. You were choking on your own sobs, now you weren't just scared you were also embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I'm, I'm s-sorry." You stammered. You didn't think you just wrapped your arms around his neck and pushed your face into his chest. "I'm sorry."

"Don't cry, everything is okay. What are you even doing down here?" He asked, smoothing out your hair with his hand. It was such a sweet and gentle gesture, if you weren't so scared it would have melted your heart.

"I got, I got." You were breathing heavily and couldn't seem to catch your breath.

"Look at me, hey, hey." He cupped your face and looked into your eyes. "Breath, take a breath. Stop this infernal crying, you are safe!" You put your hands over his and calmed your breathing. You had unconsciously scooted closer to him so you were laying against his chest. His strong and steady heartbeat calmed you.

"Sev." You sniffled, rubbing your hand up and down his arm.

"Take your time, breathe." He soothed.

"I got lost. I tried to find my way back to the c-common room but I heard a noise and ran the other way. What, was that?" You grabbed his shirt trying to stay close to him. You looked around the dungeon as if you were waiting for Peeves to return.

"That was Peeves, he's a ghost, a poltergeist to be exact. He's an asshole." Severus explained as he mindlessly petted your hair.

"I hate walking here in the dark. I still d-don't know my way ar-round." You sniffed back tears.

"Take your time and catch your breath then I'll take you to your common room." There wasn't a lot of emotion in his voice there never was. Your head was resting under his chin so his head was on top of yours.

"Thank you... Thank you for being here." You yawned. Between classes, the night's events and not eating you were exhausted. Your eyes were heavy but you fought to stay awake and the sound of his strong, steady heartbeat didn't help.

"Stay awake, I need to get you to your common room." Severus nudged you awake then picked you up and placed you on your feet.

"What if he comes back?" You shivered as you looked down the dark hallway once again.

"He won't and if he does I'm right here." Severus answered. "Come on." He led you up the stairs to where the fat lady stood.

"Thank you. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't show up to save me." You didn't look him in the eyes, still feeling silly.

PROHIBITED! (Young Snape X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now