Chapter 6: Quidditch and Planning

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Severus, Severus!” You exclaimed, running up to your tree where he sat making notes in his potions book.  

“And why are you so excited?” He asked, not looking up from his book. You flopped down next to him, your shoulder hitting against his, knocking him to the side.  

“Quidditch tryouts are today you gotta come see me try out.” You stared at him until he took his nose out of his book. He huffed and closed the book, turning to face you.  When he still didn’t agree you put your chin on his shoulder and sat nose to nose with him, staring at him. 

“Alright, alright, stop staring.” He rolled his eyes and poked your nose with his larger one. 

“Why don’t you try out with me?” You suggested. 

“Oh yes, good idea, so your brother and his friends who hate me can have a “healthy way” to take their anger out on me. I’ll pass.”  He glared at you. Not an angry glare but a serious one. 

“I guess you’re right…For once.”  You tease. 

“I made one wrong choice.” He rolled his eyes. 

“You almost blew us up.”  You were talking about yesterday in potions class when you and Severus were brewing a polyjuice potion and Severus almost threw in the wrong ingredient that would have blown the whole cauldron up. Luckily you caught him in time. 

“You were distracting me!”  He shot back. 

“I didn’t do anything, we were talking about the potion. How is that distracting?” 

“Your presence in general is distracting.” He mumbled. 

“Is it my charming beauty?”  You teased. 

“Oh of course.” He chuckled. “Is it that obvious that I think you're the most beautiful creature in the world?” He thought to himself.

“So will you come to watch me tryout?”  You begged. “Please!”

“I don’t know, I don’t think you really want me too.” He teased, turning his head the other way.

“What do you want me to do, crawl on your lap and give you puppy dog eyes?” You huffed, running out of ideas.

“You won’t.” He challenged.  You raised an eyebrow at him. 

“Do you really wanna make that bet?” You challenged. He raised his head high in a challenging manner.  “Okay, you asked for it.”  You crawled onto his lap facing him and gave him a fake pout. “Pleeeease!”  You pouted, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands unintentionally went to your hips to steady you. His cheeks were tinted pink and he couldn’t meet your eyes. 

“What time are tryouts?”  He asked, looking at the ground. You put your finger under his chin and raised his face to look at you.   

“In half an hour.” You smiled at him.

“I think my heart is going to beat out of my chest. I can’t believe she’s this close to me. Maybe she has feelings for me too.” He thought. He could feel his heart thumping in his ears. 

“And what do you want to do until then?”  He asked, his head falling back against the prickly tree bark.  

“Sit here with you. Like this. Unless you want me to get my fat ass off you.”  You joke.

“Don’t.”  His demeanor turned serious before you could even blink. “Don’t talk like that, do you understand me? You are not fat, you are perfect just the way you are.” He gripped your hips tighter. 

PROHIBITED! (Young Snape X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now