Chapter 15: Schemes

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"He didn't go for it, he rejected me then left with Y/N." Lily explained to the boys during lunch.

"Damn it. This is ridiculous, it shouldn't be this hard to break them up." Sirius complained.

"Relax, we have one more play up our sleeves." James patted his friends back.


"I may have snagged something from Slughorn's room." He held a pink vial. "Slughorn said Y/N and Snape's Amortentia looked perfect and based on how much of a perfectionist Y/N is and how good Snape is at potions I'm willing to bet their potion is perfect. So I snagged a vial of it. All Lily has to do is slip it into Snapes morning pumpkin juice, he falls for her and boom he and Y/N are done." James explained.

"And how am I supposed to get to his morning pumpkin juice?" Lily asked, crossing her arms.

"Go up to him and apologize for what you did today and pour it into his drink." James said, simply.

"A plan fit for a Slytherin." Sirius smirked.

"Fine, but you owe me big time Potter." Lily rolled her eyes.

"How about I buy your dress for the Yule Ball?" James suggested.

"I suppose that's fair."

"Perfect, here's the vial, don't lose it." James put the vial in her hand and they all continued their lunch.


"What did Lily want?" You asked as if you didn't already know.

"She was telling me that she missed me and she felt bad for not sticking up for me last year. I don't know, it seemed off." He told you as you sat in the Slytherin common room along with Narcissa, Lucius and Regulus.

"Sounds like a trap. Why the sudden change of heart? It's not like James has done anything since the full moon and she already knows about that." Narcissa commented.

"I agree it seems off." Regulus agreed.

"Well I told her I wanted nothing to do with her after how she treated me then I left so we shouldn't be hearing from her." Severus explained. You were sitting in front of him with your back resting against his chest. He glanced over your shoulder and saw you yawn and lean further into his chest.

"I think I should walk you up to your common room." He said.

"No, I wanna stay." You whined.

"You know you can't if you get caught you will get into so much trouble." Severus replied.

"Please." You pouted. "It's Friday, we don't have any classes tomorrow. I'll just wear one of your hoodies tomorrow and leave after everyones gone to breakfast."

"Ask Lucius, it's as much his room as it is mine." Severus conceded.


"I don't have a problem with it. Just don't be making out while I'm in the room." Lucius teased.

"Alright, then we're gonna head off to bed." Severus picked you up. "Night everyone."



You did as you said and dressed in one of Severus' hoodies and a pair of his sweatpants then waited for most of the Slytherins to leave dorms before Severus and Narcissa snuck you out. You met the rest of them at the table just in time for the food to appear on the table. They sat for a while in silence and ate. Everyone was still tired from the late night they had last night.

"Is there anything you want to do today?" You asked Severus.

"I was thinking a trip to Hogsmead." Severus suggested.

"That sounds great, I've never been before!" You exclaimed excitedly.

"Perfect after breakfast, go change and I'll meet you outside." He smiled.

"Hey Sev." Lily walked up behind him. She didn't miss the glares everyone gave her. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry about yesterday. I had no right to say or do any of what I did. You're right I chose my side and you have every right to not want anything to do with me but I do care about you and if you ever change your mind you know where to find me." She brushed her hand over Severus' shoulder and when she brought it down she almost spilled his cup of pumpkin juice. She quickly caught it and stood it up right then excused herself when he didn't reply.

"She's up to something." Regulus chimed in.

"I agree." Lucius nodded.

"I'm not worried about it. I'm ready whenever you are Y/N." Severus finished the rest of his pumpkin juice and stood from his seat.

"I'm ready, I'm gonna go change, I'll meet you outside." You smiled in excitement and rushed off to change.

"You feeling okay Severus? You look a little uneasy." Regulus pointed out when he saw his friends' eyes wandering.

"Hm, oh yes. I just feel a little tingly I suppose. Perhaps I drank too fast." He replied. "I'll see you all later. I'm gonna wait for Y/N outside." They all said their goodbyes and Severus left to meet you where you said.

As he stood outside he was really starting to feel funny. He thought back to what he ate but he ate the same foods he ate morning being the creature of habit he was. He drank the same drink as well. He convinced himself he just drank too fast and it upset his stomach.

"Sev? What are you doing out here?" Lily asked as she walked out the front doors.

"I um... I can't really remember.. You look beautiful." He stammered.

"You look pretty handsome yourself." You smiled and sauntered over to him, placing her hands on his chest. He didn't push her away this time, instead he leaned into her touch.

"I have to admit I have missed you Lily. I forgot how green your eyes are." He purred, resting his hands on her hips.

"Why don't we skip the flirting and just get to the point." She whispered, pulling him to his lips and he quickly returned the kiss, pulling her flush against his body.


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