chapter 26: It isnt the end Without a Dance.

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This is it guys the last chapter thank u all so much for reading I love reading your comments so let me know what u thought.


You’ve been having such an amazing time since you switched to Slytherin house. Your brother and his loons even seemed to be leaving you alone. Whether it was because they realized how much of an effect their actions have had on you or if it was because Dumbledore and Mcgonagal talked to them you weren’t sure. Either way they weren’t bothering you or Severus which was a win for you no matter what the reasoning was. 

You have enjoyed your life as a Slytherin, for the first time in months you weren’t worried about walking through your common room or bumping into unwanted guests on your way to your dorm. Things were quiet, peaceful. 

This is the night, the Yule Ball. You have been waiting for this night for so long. Dances weren’t something you went to at your old school and Severus was determined to make this the best night of your Hogwarts career. Of course the boys went out about a week ago and got their matching ties to your dresses. With all the madness going on the last couple weeks they almost forgot, thankfully Lucius remembered because Severus did not. This is the first year he’s gone to the Yule ball, mostly because this is the first year he’s had someone to enjoy it with. 

The girls were all getting ready in yours and Narcissa’s dorm. Given the girls being you, Narcissa and Bellatrix but since the boys were just Severus, Lucius and Regulus it was an eve match. The size of your group never bothered any of you. 

Narcissa was currently helping you curl your hair after she had just finished helping Bella with hers and Bella did Narcissa’s. You had no idea what to do with your hair. You had it in a ponytail more often than not because it was just convenient. It was out of your face and you felt like you could move more freely. So when Narcissa suggested you curl it you had to confess you had no idea how. 

“Please don’t burn me. Or light my hair on fire.” You winced when she came towards you with the curler. 

“I’m not going to burn you. Look at Bella, she came out fine.” Narcissa rolled her eyes and took the first piece of hair in her hand.

“Yes but I’m sure Bella is able to sit more still than I am. I flinch if I even think you're coming too close to my skin.” You confessed. 

“I promise you’ll be fine.” She assured you. 

“Believe me Narcissa knows her way around a curling iron.” Bella also assured you.

“Okay, I will be as still as I possibly can. But I can’t make any promises.” You told her, sitting on the sink and letting her work her magic. 

While Narcissa was doing your hair the boys were in Severus’ and Lucius dorm getting ready. First they got into their dress pants and shirts. Then they all started working on their hair. Regulus slicked his straight back. In a way he looked like a 1950’s mobster but Severus wasn’t going to tell him that. Mostly because he knew he would have to explain to him and Lucius what a mobster was. 

Lucius had his hair pulled back into a ponytail with some of his hair framing his face. He was in the middle of putting some light waves into the hair framing his face. He was trying to make it so subtle that no one would know that it wasn’t natural. Of course Severus was looking in the mirror and playing with his hair not having a single clue what to do with it. He debated just brushing it out and having it like he always does but he wanted this to be special not the same old same old.

“Lucius.” He called.


“Do you think I would look like an idiot with a low bun?” He asked, trying to push his hair back to see what it would look like.

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