Chapter 8: You'll Get Yours Snape

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You guys all really loved the addition of Narcissa, Lucius and Regulus. So I thought I'd give them some more attention. Let me know if you want to see more of them.


"This is disgusting. How can you be okay with this?!" Sirius yelled at James as they watched your makeout session with Snape through the castle window.

"Do you honestly think I'm okay with my little sister snogging Snivellous? Of course I'm not! We have a plan set in place, if it goes as planned he'll be gone by tomorrow morning." James snarled.

"I don't understand what she sees in the slytherin freak. What's so special about him? Maybe she feels bad for him, or she has a thing for underdogs." Sirius suggested, turning and walking away not wanting to see anymore.

"I don't know, let's just hope this is just a phase and after tonight nothing like this will happen again. The last thing we need is for her to try getting with another slytherin like your brother." James smirked. Sirius just scowled at him.

"Come on, our lunch period is starting." Sirius growled.



"Mm, our lunch is about to end." You whined. You were still seated on Severus' lap, his hands on your waist as your forehead rested against his.

"I know, but you have charms next then you're done for the day. The only class I have left is my study period. I can wait for you wherever you'd like."

"There needs to be a common area where all the different houses can hangout." You commented, pulling back to look in his eyes. "I hate that I can't see you outside these very public places like I do the students in my house." You added, caressing his cheek.

"We can, we would just be breaking the rules a little." He smirked.

"W-what do you mean?"

"I can take you back to my dorm. Lucius figured out how to break the gender spell so he could have Narcissa in our dorm room when I'm not there. If you want to spend alone time together we can always go back to my dorm." He suggested.

"That would be great. Sitting under this tree for too long hurts my butt." You confessed, making him chuckle.

"Well, if you want I can meet you outside of charms class and take you back to my dorm room."

"I'd like that." You smiled and kissed his nose. "Sev, what are we to each other?" You finally asked.

"What do you want us to be?"

"I like you and I don't want this to just be some fun. I've never been into that sort of thing. If we're going to be something to each other I want to be something serious." You told him, very seriously.

"I understand, I was hoping that's what you would want. I don't want to be some toy, I want what we have to be real." He confessed.

"So are you my.. Boyfriend?"

"I believe that's what it's called, yes." He replied sarcastically.

"I really like you Sev."

"I really like you too. Obviously." He chuckled. Most people found his sarcasm annoying but you thought it was adorable and his remarks always put a smile on your face. "I can say that I have the most beautiful girl in the entire school."

"Even more than Lily?" You asked, looking down at his lap not wanting to let him see how insecure you were.

"Y/N, Lily abandoned me, she's gone and she's not coming back and even if she did I could never fall in love with her again. She showed me where her heart truly is and it's not with me, or as my friend. You're the one I want and she could never change that." He assured you. He cupped both your cheeks and smiled softly at you.

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