Chapter 13: Amortentia

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A little bit of a shorter chapter wasn't reviewed so there might be mistakes. On another note I just posted my first imagine on my benedict cumberbatch imagines book check it out if u like him.


It was now the end of the week. You had been released from the hospital wing. Your arm was healing fine, you were taking your potions on a daily basis like you were supposed to, things were looking up. Severus was trusting you more and more everyday. You were both making progress and you were both so proud of each other.  

Remus and you had been hanging out a little less since he decided to spend time with your brother and his friends a little bit at a time. You wouldn’t go near them. You spent most of your time with Severus and his friends. It was Friday and you would be brewing Amortentia today. You were a little worried since you missed so much class the last few days but Severus assured you that he knew exactly what he was doing.  

You got to the glass and immediately started brewing the potion. You followed Severus’ lead, he would tell you what to do and you would do it. He wanted you to feel included since he knew you felt guilty after having missed so much information on this potion due to having to be in the hospital wing with your concussion.  

“Now be sure to be careful, remember this is an assignment so I want no talking outside of your partner.”  Professor Slughorn instructed after a few students started to get a little rowdy.  “You have 1 hour left to finish up.” 

“I think we're doing pretty well.” You commented as you looked down at the potion. “You haven’t blown us up yet so that’s always a good sign.” 

“I was waiting for that.”  He smirked. “Now put in the Rose thorns.”  He motioned towards the potion.

“Yes sir.”  You rolled your eyes and he rolled his.  

“We should be done here in a few minutes. We only have a few more ingredients left to add.”  

“That’s good.” You continued to throw in ingredients as Severus told you what to do.  After the last of the ingredients were in you stirred it for 5 minutes.  “I think it’s ready!” You exclaimed, excited to smell it.  

“I think you’re right. It looks about right.”  He nodded and smiled.  

“I wanna smell, can we smell it before we tell Professor Slughorn we’re done?”  You asked almost jumping up and down.  

“I suppose.” He smirked at your excitement.  

“Okay, okay.” You said, pushing your hair back behind your ears so you didn’t get it in the potion.  You closed your eyes and inhaled deeply. 

“Well?” Severus asked impatiently, wanting more than anything to hear you describe his scent.  

“Mmm, it smelled like old books, herbs and fire whiskey.”  It was Severus. You knew it was Severus. He drank coffee every morning at breakfast, he adored older books and had a whole collection of them and he regularly had a glass of fire whiskey with Lucius in their common room.  “Smells like someone I know.”  You smiled.

“Well I wonder who it could be.” He teased.  

“Smell yours.”  You insisted. 

“I don’t think I want to.”  He stuck his nose up at you.

“I will tickle you.” You threatened.

“Okay, okay.”  He held his hands up defensively. Leaning over he took a deep inhale.  It smelled like banana muffins, vanilla lotion and the same perfume you wear.  “It smells like you.” He said bluntly.  “Banana muffins, vanilla and your perfume.”  He added.

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