Chapter 19: Hogsmeade

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"How are you liking it so far?" Severus nudged your shoulder as you all walked through Hogsmead.

So far you have been to Honeydukes where you got some sweets like chocolate frogs, fudge flies, acid pops and Bertie Botts every flavor beans. Then you went to Madam Puddifoot's tea shop where Severus suggested you some different flavor teas that he thought you might like. Then you all went to Pippin's Potions so Severus could get some of his own potions ingredients.

"I love it. There was nowhere like this around at my old school. We just had to have our parents send us stuff which was difficult." You told the group.

"I think we should split up, girls and boys so we can find our dresses and the boys can find their suits." Narcissa chimed in as you all passed a dress shop.

"Aren't we supposed to match? So shouldn't we go with you so we can match our suits to your dress?" Severus furrowed his nose in confusion.

"Yes but normally the boys just match their ties to the girls' dresses. So find your suits and you can match your tie's when we find our dress.

"Alright. Are you okay with splitting up?" Severus asked you, his eyes looking towards Narcissa's sister Bellatrix who decided to tag along so she could get her dress. He knew she could be a little hectic.

"I'll be okay. I think it'll be fun. Go find a nice suit." You tease, making him chuckle.

"Don't you worry I'll make sure he finds one that his lady will be happy with." Lucius smirked, resting his arm on Severus' shoulder.

"I'm holding you to that Mr Malfoy." You giggled, shoving him playfully.

"Alright I'll see you in an hour or so." Severus kissed your cheek before he was pulled away by the boys and taken into one of the mens shops.

"Okay girls, let's get shopping. We have to find the perfect dresses." Narcissa insisted as she took you by the hand and pulled you to the dress shops at the end of the street. "These are some of the best dress shops in Hogsmeade. I'm planning on looking for something green. Lucius loves his house colors so I know he'll like it."

"I'm just planning on something black. Simple, matches everything, can't go wrong with black." Bellatrix commented.

"I'm not really looking for a specific color, just something that fits well and looks nice on me. I never really liked dresses. I always preferred anything else. I just don't really like the way they look on me and a couple years ago when I was overweight it was always so.... Discouraging going dress shopping. Nothing ever fit right or if it did fit I didn't like the way it looked on me so this time I just want something that looks nice on me. I don't want to have to settle on something just because it fits." You told them.

"Well this place has a big selection. So you should find something you like." Narcissa assured you.

Once you all got to the shop you started trying on dresses one at a time. The first one to start finding dresses and trying them on was Bellatrix because she was the easiest person to look for. A black dress didn't matter what shape or design as long as it was black and fit she would try it on. At one point you all had to stop grabbing dresses for her because there were just too many black dresses that would fit her. So after you picked out about ten dresses for her to try on she went into the fitting room to start trying them on.

You could tell this was a more expensive shop because they had private fitting areas where you could sit and wait for the person to come out and show you the dress. They also had a three way mirror so you could see how the dress looked on you from several angles instead of just straight forward.

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