Chapter 24: Words That Haven't Been Spoken

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This is a short chapter and the next 2 chapters will be the last of this story. I hope you guys have liked it so far I'm just out of ideas to keep it going. There won't be any smut in this story unless u guys really really want it. Let me hear your feedback and suggestion. But yeah only 2 more chapters til the bittersweet end.


As you kissed everything seemed to come back to you. All the late nights you and Severus spent studying, the time spent sneaking in and out of his dorm. Him coming to every single one of your quidditch matches while having your number written on his cheek by Narcissa. You remembered every kiss, everytime James and his group of idiots tried to separate you and Severus. All the threats, injuries and pain they caused the both of you. But you also remembered that you loved him but have never told him.

Pulling apart you were both panting from the lack of oxygen. Severus was holding tightly onto your waist. As if you would disappear if he let go. You held onto his neck with the same intensity. Finally your Y/E/C eyes met his black ones and before you had a chance to realize what you were feeling you started sobbed.

"Y/N, hey look at me." Severus took your face in his hands and tilted your face to look at him. "What's wrong, did they hurt you?" He asked, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.

"I forgot you, I pushed you away, I called you names and agreed with everything those idiots said about you!" You said through sobs.

"Y/N, look at me." You shook your head as you continued to sob. "Y/N look at me." He insisted. Lifting your face you sniffed back more tears and looked at him. He was smiling. "It's not your fault, none of this is your fault. You didn't have a choice, I'm not mad at you."

Grabbing his wrist you pulled him in for another kiss. You pecked his lips over and over again enjoying the brief connection your lips had before pulling away just to kiss again.

"I love you, I love you Severus." You choked out wrapping your arms around his middle and burying your face in his chest. Severus' face dropped in surprise. You've never said those words to him before. His heart swelled with love and in that moment he loved you more than he ever has.

"I love you to Y/N." He smiled into your hair smelling her lavender shampoo. "I promise everything is going to be okay. You're back, we're together and I promise to never let those 2 imbeciles near you ever again."

"I don't wanna see them again. The only one I ever wanna see is Remus. They threatened him, Severus. They threatened Remus. They told him if he told me the truth or did anything to help me remember the truth they would expose his secret to the whole school."

"That's ridiculous, did they find out he told you?"

"I don't think so. He lied when I asked but he wrote me a note to tell me the truth. They shouldn't know I told them I remembered and that Remus had nothing to do with it."

"If they do that to him I will personally make their lives a living hell. He has done nothing wrong, they are the ones torturing us every chance they get." Severus spat.

"At least we got you back." Regulus diverted your attention away from Severus reminding you that they were all present. "We were beginning to think this was going to be permanent."

"I couldn't stay away from my favorite Blacks for long." You laughed.

"That's right." Narcissa laughed and stole you away from Severus to hug you.

"What do we do now? They're not going to stop, they haven't yet which means they're never going to. It's only a matter of time before someone gets really hurt." You pointed out.

"I think this time we have to go to the headmaster. You're not safe in your house, maybe if we explain he'll make an exception and allow you to switch your house." Severus suggested.

"Is that even possible?"

"There have been rumors that it has happened before but no one has ever actually seen it, I'm sure if Dumbledore sees that you don't feel safe there then he would make an allow you to be switched. However there is no guarantee that you would be switched to Slytherin." Lucius explained.

"I really don't want to have to meet new people again. Plus if someone has been rooming without a roommate for this long they'll be mad if they have to give the space now. Not to mention the quidditch team. What if they don't let me on their house team?"

"I'm sure if we tell Dumbledore that we would be more than willing to bunk with you he would let you become a Slyhterin." Narcissa whispered, rubbing your arms to calm you.

"I hope so."

"We'll all go with you tomorrow to talk to him. He can't ignore all of us." Regulus said.

"Thank you guys."

"You're one of us. We're going to help you no matter what." Lucius replied.

"Yeah." They all agreed.

"Come on Love, you can bunk with us tonight." Severus kissed your head and led you to his dorm.

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