Chapter 9: Did You Know?

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Tossing, turning, too hot, too cold, couldn’t get comfortable, couldn’t stay comfortable. You just couldn’t sleep.  You and Jane had stayed up for a while, she wanted to know all the details. How Severus asked you out, what you two did in his dorm, she wanted all the tea. You gladly told her everything and she questioned you over and over again asking you if anything really happened between you and Severus and you continued to tell her no, you just talked and made out. You both settled down for the night to get some sleep but you just couldn’t sleep, it was like something was keeping you awake.  You had a bad feeling like something terrible was about to happen but you couldn’t think of anything that would give you a reason to worry.  


“Severus, dear, are you ready to go out and collect ingredients?”  Madame Pomfrey asked, grabbing her basket.  

“Yes. Let me grab my bag and we can head out. Where do you want to start?”  Severus flung his bag over his shoulder and walked to the exit with Madame Pomfrey.  

“I’ll start by the lake, you should start by the whomping willow. I need a lot of Moly to restock my store. After you finish you can go back to the castle, that’s all I need tonight other than the ingredients I’ll be getting from the lake.”  

“Okay, I’ll put the Moly on your desk when I get back.”  He informed her as they both exited the castle together then separated to go to their individual destinations.  

Madame Pomfrey was out of sight in less than a second but Severus took his time getting to the whomping willow, he didn’t want to go back to his dorm so fast. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to get to sleep right away.  

Severus started filling his bag with Moly and he filled a separate little bag for his own use. 


“Come on guys the moon is almost full we need to get to the shrieking shack.”  Remus insisted, practically dragging the rest of them along so they would get there on time.  “What took you guys so long anyway?”  

“We got caught up talking.”  Sirius lied. They had been talking about their plan and didn’t want Remus over hearing them.  

“We must have lost track of time.”  James added.

“Yeah.” Peter said, meekly.  

“Alright well let's keep going. I don’t want to transition out here in the open. Who knows how bad things could get if that happened.” Remus quickened his pace to the shrieking shack.  The rest followed him, James and Sirius giving each other knowing looks and Peter sighing in defeat. 

“Wait, look.”  James stopped everyone.  He saw Severus picking plants outside of the whomping willow.  

“Right on time.”  Sirius whispered to James. 

“Guys you gotta get rid of him. The moon is almost full, he could get hurt!”  Remus pleaded with his friends.  

“We’ll try.”  Sirius smirked.  The group walked towards him as he was on his knees collecting plants.  

“Well, well what do we have here?”  James called, getting Snapes attention. 

“I could ask you the same question. I have permission to be here. I doubt you four can say the same.”  Severus snapped, annoyed with their presence. 

“Guys we have to go!” Remus insisted.  

“Listen to your friend. There’s no use in you all getting in trouble for being out after curfew. Actually I don’t care what you do, just leave me out of it.” Severus rolled his eyes.  Severus got to his feet. He was about to walk to the other side of the tree when Sirius stood in his way.

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