Chapter 25: House Switch?

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One more chapter after this!


"Are you sure this is a good idea? We have no real proof against them. What if he doesn’t believe us, what if he doesn’t agree to let me switch houses? What about Jane? She and I get along so well… I’ve been neglecting her lately because of everything that’s been going on.” You all stood outside of the headmasters office waiting to be called in. 

“If we all tell him he has to at least listen.” Lucius was the first to speak up. 

“And if you tell him that you don’t feel safe within your own house he should listen to you.” Narcissa agreed. 

“Yes but we all have to agree that Gryffindor is his house and he has a tendency to take their side no matter what. We all have to be open to the possibility that he might come up with excuses for them.” Severus pointed out. 

“I hate to say it but he’s right. Dumbledore has a tendency to be biased towards his own house. I mean look at how he distributes house points. He only ever gives to Gryffindor and he only gives them points when they’re losing.” Regulus agreed. 

“I hate that my own brother has put us in this situation. We used to be so close I don’t understand how this hate could cause him to act like this.” You sighed. 

“I wish I didn’t have to tell you this Y/N but your brother was never a nice person, he was only ever nice to the people that were in his little circle. Now that you are hanging out with the enemy you are no longer in their circle but they don’t want to throw you aside, they want to get you back on their side.” Severus explained. 

“Well they lost me, they lost me a long time ago when they decided I couldn’t be friends with you and still be friends with them. I was never going to pick sides. I was going to divide my time as equally as I could but they forced me to choose.”

“I know, none of this is your fault. You decided to judge me for yourself instead of letting your brother and his friends persuade your opinion.” Severus said, grabbing your hand. 

“Headmaster will see you now.” Professor Mcgonagall startled you all.  You got into the little stairwell. “Lemon drop.” You started to ascend. Once reaching the top you all went into the office and stood in front of Dumbledore's desk where he sat waiting for you. 

“I understand you all have some concerns you would like to talk with me about. I will let you have the floor to explain everything and then I will see what I can do to rectify it. So whoever would like to start, go ahead.”  Dumbledore explained. 

“I don’t feel safe in my house anymore. There have been many instances where me or my friends in this room have been targeted and harmed. We have been attacked, harassed. They have used potions and spells on us and they have made it clear that they aren’t going to stop no matter what. I don’t feel comfortable going back to my dorm knowing they could do anything at any moment.” You explained. 

“I need you to be more specific about what has been done to you. Asking to switch houses is a big deal Miss Potter, I cannot take this request lightly.” 

“They held Severus down while he was collecting herbs for Madam Pomfrey. There was a wild animal out that night and they knew that. They held him down so he’d get hurt which caused him and I to get hurt because I saw him through my dorm window and went to help him. We both have the scars to prove it.” You showed him your hand.

“They also slipped Severus a love potion so I’d break up with him.” 

“We saw them do it, we just didn’t realize what they had done until after it happened. I got the antidote from Professor Slughorn and it worked on Severus.” Lucius added. 

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